Erogenous zones is the point in the body, you touch the which occurs the sexual arousal. These points are created by nature. And if the partner is the one who does with the knowledge of his business, the body begins to prepare for the sexual act. In the female body of such points more than the men. About many of these points we know virtually nothing.
If you do not touch your erotic zone, it can cause completely opposite effect as expected.
15 the main features of the sexual excitement of the woman
- the termination of the call. when a woman reaches the highest point of sexual excitement, his voice is quiet, just answer the questions the same, clearly – "yes" or "no", and then not silent.
- redness of the face. in the result of the huge surge of blood to the head, the face of the woman is poured into the blood, as if inflamed. this is especially noticeable on the cheeks burning.
- the breath. becomes frequent and superficial, with shallow breaths. the woman there is not enough air, so that the nostrils are dilated, they are in motion and begins to breathe through the mouth.
- the mouth and lips. taking into account that breathes the woman in the mouth, the open. the lips dry up, and this is the tip of the tongue its hydrate.
- the dryness of the throat. of the throat, and in women also dries up, so often hirundo difficile saliva to moisten. sometimes, in order to hydrate the throat asks for a glass of water.
- the closed eyes. the woman focuses only on male caresses, receives the maximum satisfaction, because your eyes closed.
- sweat away from the body. as a result of cherishing the man of the woman's body (back, abdomen, hips), occurs the blood surface of the blood vessels and, in consequence, the body of the woman sweats.
- the tremor and tension in the body. the body of the woman, placed in the top of the wishes, it worked, and in some places, mainly in the abdomen and the hips, is held the tremor frequent convulsive reduction of the small muscles.
- a hug with strong clenches. the woman impetuously embraces the man, periodically, pushing with force the hands of certain parts of your body, sometimes driving his nails.
- swelling of the nipples. nipples on women are brought to life and swell up, become hard. although it is worth remembering that this may be permanent during pregnancy.
- the protrusion of the abdomen. by women a reflection protruding belly.
- paralysis of the hips. the woman no longer is able to tolerate and to pleasure, tightening firmly of the hips, therefore, irritating the enlargement of the labia and the clitoris.
- the address of the caresses of men in their genital organs. the great desire and impatience of the woman makes direct fondling of the men on their genitals.
- an increase of the secretion of the vagina. at the entrance of the vagina feels your hydration, and in some women this can be felt even through the panties – that become wet in the vaginal area.
- the desire to touch the male sexual organ. the highest peak of the wishes of the woman manifests itself in her desire to touch the male sexual organ and start stroking.

Naturally, not all women can be palpable all these signals. but it is considered that if has been expressed by more than half, is a woman completely ready for sex.