More a sensitive part of the female body – the breasts. Often, in this area there is a feeling of discomfort. Costs more about why harden nipples.
Obvious reasons

The specialists in the field of gynecology are several reasons why women harden nipples:
- Because of the prolonged stress. As is known, in the breast concentrates a large amount of nerve endings. If a young mother for a long time nervous, she disappears the milk. The rest of the women begin to harden the nipples.
- The hormonal change.
- Viral disease. Many of the representatives of the female sex, when the temperature of the body can change in the chest.
- A strong excitation.
- The nipples will crush and harden any touch of the touch.
Gynecologists claim that the most common cause of this symptom – the early phase of pregnancy.
The reaction of the breasts in the excitation
As already mentioned above, there are several reasons why that harden women in the nipples. It is worthwhile to examine more thoroughly each one of them.
Any body reacts differently in the sexual act. The breasts can change someone strong, someone, from the most easy of excitation. And for some, the representatives of the beautiful sex that does not remain in the same state.
Why when aroused they harden the nipples? This is related to the intense production of endorphins – hormones of joy. If a man sees that the image of the companion shrugged, the skin has acquired a serious stroke, you can be sure - he does everything correctly.
The emotional factor or disease
Less common that the reason the harden nipples, is stress. This change occurs in approximately three per cent of women. The human body can be sensitive to the agitations and sufferings. This leads to altered hormone and, subsequently, to a change of menstruation cycle and the change in appearance of the nipples.
Any disease is also a lot of stress to the body. Many young mothers in period of lactation decreases the immunity. When body temperature increases, some of them will produce a stasis of the milk, the nipples, the chest begin to solidify, swell and flush.
The first sign of pregnancy
The inherent nature of the body of the woman is designed to create a new life. As soon as the egg has taken the fruit begins to be prepared for nurturing the fetus. Many of the symptoms can notify the future mother of his interesting position faster that they are experienced professionals or teams of advanced diagnostics.
Obvious symptom is the change of the appearance of the nipple of the breast. They become more dark, hard and swollen. Often, in this field it appears the sensation of discomfort and easy to pain. The woman may feel that her bust even became in a larger size.
What is the reason? The natural body level is preparing for childbirth, breastfeeding. In consequence, there is the extension of the ditch of the breast. 70 per cent of women this occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, 25% in the second and third, the remaining 5 per cent, do not feel any kind of change in the period of pregnancy.
Influence on the touch, or feature individual
Many women are interested in, why they harden the nipples, even, from the more easy to play. The skin in this area becomes wrinkled and rough. This is a reaction of protection of the individual feature of the body. Some of the ladies similar symptom appears:
- Due to the fluctuations of the temperature. For example, if the woman after the hot baths diving in an ice hole; the house will go out to the cold street in light clothes. Any sudden change of temperature causes this change.
- Due to the physical efforts. Approximately 2 percent of women in sports in that it produces a muscle spasm. The state of halo will recover by itself, through 10-15 minutes after a strenuous training session.
- Almost 70 percent of women nipples harden and the pain due to a hormonal change in the body. Often, this occurs before the menstruation or ovulation.
There is and the less frequent feature in the body, when the chest always has a compacted structure with hard nipples. Women who live with this throughout their whole life, and absolutely not annoying.
A wrong choice
Why often harden the nipples and the pain? It is amazing, but this symptom may be related to the allergy. For example, if a representative of the female sex put on his clothes of a material of low quality. There are some ladies who like to wear a bra one or two size smaller than the original, to make of their dignity even more expressive. You can also appear similar to the disease.
There is No reason for experiences

As has already been clarified, there are a number of reasons why women harden nipples. The phenomenon is not an absolute rule, if:
- The pain is moderate. It has the same character throughout the day. Not intensifies with time.
- There is nothing more than the symptoms.
- There is pain, and no more than three days.
- There is No swelling.
- There is No redness.
Absolute the standard is the symptom for pregnancy, ovulation, and milk production before the menstrual cycle. In all these cases, the help of a specialist is not necessary. A slight indisposition, can be removed, pomassirovti this area of gentle movements, taking a hot shower.
It needed the help of a specialist
Sometimes, the hardening of the nipples can be the primary symptom of a serious illness. You should go to a specialist when the onset of the following symptoms:
- If the discomfort is increasing. Subsequently, they express sharp, barely endurable pain.
- If you see more of the characteristic signs: increased temperature, redness, erosion, swelling.
- At the same time the pain in other areas of the body.
- If you have any discharge from the nipples. The exception is the period of lactation or pregnancy.
- When detected in the chest area of the seal.
Worth the guard, if at the same time with some excellent features of curing of the nipples symptoms appear earlier. They can be the forerunner of a serious illness, until the end of the mastitis to cancer. It is necessary to do the following:
- Come to the consultation to the doctor mammologist or gynecologist.
- Give a series of analyses: urine, faeces, clinical analysis of blood.
- Do an ultrasound (ultrasound).
- To undergo a mammogram.
- Optionally, prescribes a biopsy to detect cancerous cells.
A series of studies will allow to eliminate the risk of development of severe disease in the early stages.
And that with the men?
The question of why they harden the nipples of most concern to women. This does not mean that men with such phenomena do not face. This symptom may occur in the following cases:
- When lively.
- In a state of intoxication.
- It often occurs in teenagers at puberty.
Similar feature, as well as women, may be a precursor of a serious disease.
There are a large number of as harmless and serious reasons as to why they harden the nipples. Listen to your body. Evaluate the nature of pain. Check your state to see if there are more of the symptoms. All of this will allow you to determine if this is the symptom of the norm, or is it the time to see a specialist.