One of the principal signs of sexual maturity the sexual desire is the feeling - sexual desire (libido sexualis). Sexual, the feeling of the woman gradually develops. In the sexual attraction is to distinguish between two distinct elements: the desire to draw closer to one another and the desire to have sex. The woman developed especially the first one.
It is a characteristic that can be developed completely independently, without having to go to another. It is an emotional attitude to the person of the other sex, the doctor for a long time defined as "love of top". By this feeling, the man becomes very near and dear to you. On the contrary, the men of special importance is the desire to have sexual relations, which the doctors defined as a component of sensual love. This component includes the desire to obtain specific of the feeling of pleasure, arising in the process of the intimacy.
Therefore, if the sexual desire of men above all manifests itself with a sensual of the parties and only after (21-25 years) combined with the feeling of love to a close person, what of the girls when you have the composition of the convergences and of course I do not wish to have sex. Is the desire in them appears only after several months sexual partner, and often only after the first birth.
Thus, in the structure of the sexual desire of the woman is one of the main engines in all the stages of life is the love of a close person. Sensual same component, as a general rule, the of the young women in the course of a certain time does not exist, even after the beginning of sexual life, and only then he develops a little bit.
The physiology of sexual intercourse in women

To better understand the mechanism of sexual intercourse in the female body, offer you to familiarize yourself with the genital anatomy of women.
Sexual intercourse (coitus), are generally produced under the influence of sexual stimulation (voluptas), a high point that is an orgasm (orgasmus) after him comes the period of calm (defluvium), which comes after the end of the sexual act. The absence of sexual stimulation, the female is called frigidity. During the intercourse, the man erect member pushes the wall of the vagina, and with the full introduction of the full.
Introduction erect member facilitates the ability of the vagina a long stretch. As A result of the arrival to sexual stimulation before the introduction of a member into the vagina to men of glands of cooper spill out sticky secret, which moistens the head of your penis and makes it slippery. Substance secreted special glands, makes the head fat, which also facilitates the introduction into the vagina.
In large and small lips founded special cloth, surrounded by connective tissue. Through sex excited, she poured into the blood, the outflow is stopped, while the influx of your course. As a result there occurs an increase of the swelling of the clitoris, large and small lips with the education of the rollers. Thanks to these advances, the access to the vagina becomes free. At the same time, woman breast, small threshold of breast and cervical distinguish clear, transparent mucus.
In the sexual act is not only not observed any resistance, but, on the contrary, it is much easier and frictions are painless.
The woman also participates in the process: the skin and the mucous membrane of the penis rubs against the transverse folds of the vagina. At the same time arise involuntary, rhythmic reduction of the walls of the vagina as a result of the activities of their sphincters. These reductions are especially visible, shortly before the date of termination of the inflammation of the genital organs.
How it produces orgasm in women?
When the processes of both participants in the intercourse, the sensation of pleasure as a result of the nervous excitement of taurus, situated in the head of the member, and the woman at the head of the clitoris, the entrance of the vagina, vulva, and in the pussy. The irritation that you perceive these nerve endings are transmitted in the spinal cord and then on the base of the brain. These irritations accumulate and increase until we reach a level of excitation that produces a series of new reflections. The last link of the last is the waste of the semen in men (premature ejaculation), and of the secretion of the glands of the cervix and Bartolini glands of women. The ejaculation is accompanied by voluptuous sensation - the orgasm. The origin of the orgasm is definitely not clarified.
The of the woman for the onset of an orgasm should have enough irritation of the erogenous zones, and also mentally ies ready to have sex. Unlike the men the women of rise of an orgasm much more slowly, and the time of decomposition of longer duration. Period of the "peak," the orgasm of all modes over both of them.
The intensity of the orgasm is very variable and depends on the temperament and the constitution of the person. The orgasm may not occur as a result of the decrease of the excitability of the corresponding departments of the bumps caused by damage to the leg or the brake of the influence of the cerebral cortex, due to psychogenic factors (indifference, repugnance, etc).
It is worth to mention another and so unusual and very strong the feeling of an orgasm as squirt or injection of ink of an orgasm. Its essence in the fact that the woman runs the fluid: a small source of transparent fluid is poured out for all of the vagina during orgasmic abbreviations. This liquid is formed in special glands, should not be confused with the urine. To achieve a strong orgasm, the woman may be, if the man is going to stimulate the front wall of the vagina and the point G.
How long is the sexual act of the woman?
The normal duration of sexual intercourse ranges between 2 and 6 minutes. However, and here the great importance that has the character of a person. In the duration of the sexual act, they are also affected by the intervals between sexual relationships. A lot of sexual content and a strong sexual arousal significantly reduce the duration of the sexual relationship.
Why during sex, the woman does not have the excitement?

In one of the worst mental injury to the woman can be the disappointment of a person. Marry the man that caused her bright and elevated feelings, she suddenly discovers cynical look of their men in the sexual life, in which she plays the role of a simple weapon of pleasure.
That is why they are especially important to the attitude of the men toward the woman during the sexual act. The rudeness and lack of tact, detected by the husband at the time of the first sexual relationship, create the woman a negative reflection on the act of sex. And if the following relations do not make positive changes, this reflex becomes pathologic, causing them in the future, the coldness of the sexual. More care should be the attitude of the young man who has not yet had sexual intercourse.
If she was still a virgin, the test of fear before the first sexual relations. Therefore, man should not, so that neither has to make the wife of the first sexual intercourse necessarily in "the first night", and quietly wait a few days for the process of communication usual in a woman past the fear.
In this sense, with the girls who are getting married, the doctors should carry out the interviews, explain that the loss of virginity is not a disaster, as it is rare that it seemed to some. Hymen only very rarely is solid. Mainly it has a hole in it. If the shape of the hymen, the reality is that sexual relations do not violate its integrity, it is the first time that the sexual act is working hard; not observed weak from the sensations of pain. The bleeding that occurs in these cases, it is insignificant.
Injuries in sex
Complications and injuries from sexual contact without protection can be seen both the man and the woman. Sometimes the woman in the time of intercourse can be considerable damage in the genital tract. The rupture of the hymen depends on the degree of mechanical impact. The results of this damage are varied: tears cordial hymen, lacerations, even the separation of the part of the hymen, mainly the rectum of the division.
These injuries occur due to the printing and the extension of the introduction of the head of the penis in the orifice of the hymen. The edge of the hymen when inserted into the interior and as a consequence of the distension of the break.
The jumps through sex without protection can occur in several places, but most often found in the figure 6 (accurate to indicate the position of the jumps are accepted conventionally represented with the face of a clock) or to the sides. When the breaks hymen in the figure 6, the dial of the watch, sometimes, the rough made sexual relations, in addition to having a hymen, it breaks the back wall of the vagina, mainly the mucosa. When expressed, the degree of immaturity sexual from the sphere of this type of damage can happen in a complete rupture of the groin, as well as the walls of the vagina and vaults.
In child of the woman where it is a consequence of the nedorazvitiya the sexual organs, and to the people of age and older, the result of the atrophy and fragility of the tissues.
It is worth mentioning that it is also a complication, such as spastic reduction of the woman's vagina, what it produces is so strong, the crushing member, the front part of his, especially of the head, much swollen, and the member cannot be moved out of the vagina. In these cases, the woman must submit to the narcosis or remove the violation by the warm of the bathtub.
At times, when the sexual contact without protection difficulties arise in connection with the dryness of the vaginal mucosa in case of failure of the secretion of the glands of cooper, or special glands. In these cases, dry the mucosa before the sexual act, it is recommended to moisturize through the grease lubrication of emulsion, cream, or saliva.
Rare, but it happens is a catastrophic complication during the sexual act, such as death. The death in connection with the sexual act begins during or shortly after him more often in men than in women, the elderly, the sick sclerosis and cerebral of the coronary arteries, especially when this is preceded by overeating or abuse of alcohol. The death may be the result of a stroke, myocardial infarction, embolism, paralysis of the heart and of the tuberculosis - a strong pulmonary hemorrhage.

In some cases, gynecologists, and forensic experts to deal with the complaints of the men, especially on what happens in families, in the preaching of islam. The last after the first wedding night accuse their wives of cheating, in relation to the small amount of the absence or of the blood. In his opinion, this fact is a proof of the violation of a hymen. However, the experience in these cases, almost always reveals that the men were tricked due to the presence of their wives, one of these forms of hymen, which by its anatomical features allow for the maintenance of sex without the violation of integrity. If the hymen is very low, the selection of the blood from the surface waters of tears is negligible or not.
Obstacles to have sex with the woman is: the vaginismus, the infantile genital, expressed atrophic processes, the deformities of development or external of the internal genital organs (the hymen, the vagina), inflammatory processes, tumors, etc