In life the weaker sex comes a time, when the attraction of sexually active is reduced. This occurs due to the changes of hormones in the female body, due to problems at work and stress. Often, the ladies resort to the help of the pathogens, to increase the libido.
Today in the sale you can find a lot of stimulants which increase the sexual activity. Someone used the media, and some prefer to make a product of himself. How to make the causative agent of the woman in the home?
How to prepare the causal agent of
From a very old known effective agent that influences men and women is "Spanish gold fly", of the manufacture that it is possible and more. To do this, is extracted from special insects of small size. Insects have a light shade of green. See in the month of may, when blooming jasmine.
First dry it and then grind it into a fine powder, in order to subsequently prepare the tool.
The preparation is so simple that occurs in the temptation prepare it at home.
However, at home you can't achieve the proper degree of treatment, which consists in the application of special reagents. It is much easier to purchase insurance, guaranteed medication the reliable seller, they will deal with the experiments in the home.
"Spanish gold fly" as well as the famous Viagra female. A disadvantage of this agent is not acting immediately, therefore, is not suitable for those who want instant effect.
The modern methods ofOther stimulant, that you can cook without leaving the house, makes the food available in the kitchen at any housewife.
The necessary components:

- the more spicy the pepper – 1-2 we have;
- mustard – half a teaspoon;
- a hen's egg raw – 1 piece;
- tomato paste – 1 tablespoon;
- lemon juice – 1 tsp.
Method of preparation: the data of the ingredients carefully into a homogeneous mass, with the help of a blender, then, to the mixture is added a glass of dry white wine, all together are subject to a gas and boil. Developed with the beverage is ready for use, and is an excellent tool to excite the sexual desire of the woman.
There is still a recipe, which will be liked by any girl. It is the causal agent of walnut, for women in the home.
- Almonds – 45 g
- Hazelnuts – 40 g
- Nuts – 50 grams
- Honey – 40 g
Attention! The consumption of walnuts mixed with oatmeal or flax slurry is able to significantly improve the action.
How to prepare:
- You must fry the walnuts in a pan without adding oil.
- Clean the dried fruits of peel and finely granular.
- The honey is melted and mixed with the resulting mixture.
- Ready! Take a spoon of this mixture 3 times a day.
The effect of this kitchen will not be instant, but effective. Already after 5-7 days of the woman, there appears a wish to give priority to her man more often.
Products that affect the libido
Sometimes there is no time in the preparation of potions special to increase the libido. In this case, you can simply eat certain foods that increase the sexual desire in women.
- The banana contains in itself a special of a substance in bromelain, increases in the female body the energy and strengthens the sexual desire.
- Avocado – potassium content is also actively increases libido in men and women.
- Ginger – components, stimulate the circulation of blood to the genitals and help to achieve the excitation.
- Figs – increases libido in women, due to the high content of amino acids.
- Asparagus – the rich content of vitamin E influences the production of sex hormones.
- Garlic – the substances contained in it, help to speed up the process of blood flow to the genitals, on account of what comes to arousal.
- Almonds – stimulates actively the sexual attraction.
- The dark chocolate is the favorite product of the of women, contributes to the formulation of the hormone of joy. The content of specific substances, allows to increase the sexual desire.
- Oysters contain the hormone dopamine, which actively influences the sexual desire.
- Mango – influences benficamente on the work of the sexual sphere of men and women.
- Dates it's expensive, but very effective affects the sexual organs.
Medicinal herbs
The herbal teas, infusions and decoctions, perhaps, the most potent natural causes of that substitute to Viagra for women. Among them: sage, juniper, rosemary, laurel, the ginseng and many other. Also everyone knows of the herb parsley, basil, cilantro, fennel is considered a natural powerful that excite the media.
All of these herbs you can prepare a powerful stimulant, that will not yield in its action female Viagra. Simply chop all the herbs and eat with a spoon of tea before meals.
Well-known herbs are considered to be causative of the artichoke, mixed with olive oil. Take over 14 days, 3-4 times a day, and the sex life will be more intense.
How to increase libido with the help of herbs?Here are some recipes:
- Take a hot bath with the addition of decoction of geranium, chamomile or ginseng. The time of the adoption of the bath should be not less than 30 minutes. Medicinal herbs prepared in a proportion of 100 g. in a liter of boiling water and leave to stand for one hour. Thanks to the water of the procedures, women feel the relaxation all over the body and the flow of blood to the brain, which give the excitation signal of sexual desire.
- The essential oils are also good pathogens. Especially with the suspension in which women love to use in the neck as an ornament, buried the essential oil. The smell of these oils is able to excite a queen.
- The tincture of rosemary. You can take the fresh leaves of cranberry, juniper berry or strawberry, chop and add the rosemary. All this is poured boiling water and insist in a place protected from the light and in the period of 3 days.

Thus, in modern society there are a lot of ways to increase the sexual activity of women. Some opt to buy the expensive medicines that increase the libido. Others have the opportunity of making exhilarating for women with their own hands. Good and others who are proven old recipes and other remedies that do not give modern the Viagra for women. Yes, and make that the causal agent with the hands or using a popular method cheaper and easier.
Use of modern media technologies exciting helps to increase the female libido by increasing the blood circulation in the genitals and the arousal of their sensitivity. Aphrodisiacs, prepared with natural components, they have virtually no contraindications.
May be, they act not as quickly as the cause of the pharmacies or purchased in the privacy-shop of tools, but they are inspected by specialists, and the effect of its application, it appears clearly. The men react in a positive way popular excitement of the media, saying that her co-steel of the sexiest and most sensitive.