To make a stimulating massage to the woman in the home is not a task as simple as it may seem at first glance. The scheme of the conclusion of this procedure has its own characteristics. It is important not to make mistakes and deliver the companion of pleasure with a simple, but pleasant to the touch.
Hardly a girl that has a stable partner deciding to make the erotic massage in the salon. After all this procedure, if your home with your partner, is presented in other paintings and implies a touch of distinction, which often precede the close.
We create an intimate environment
To do an erotic massage is "running the risk" not all men. In our country, family, or couples similar caresses practice is quite rare. And here in the east, and in india such manipulation are part of intimate relationships.
The realization of the field of massage of the body requires a certain amount of preparation, you must create the appropriate environment, and also:
• a few days before the planned start to grease the palms with the cream so that the skin has become soft;• loneliness, for which the environment is intimate, no one could break;
• the surface to which it is recommended to apply the woman was firm;
• make sure that all the media were on the date of availability.
• make sure that the room was hot, as both members of the couple at the time of the massage should be completely or partially exposed;
• include pleasant music, that is able to complement the ambient lighting aromatic or conventional candles;
• prepare the companion hot bath with essential oils.
The average length of time that you spend in the realisation of procedures, is 30 to 90 minutes. But if the contact in a planned way to enter the sex, it may take more time. This should be taken into account.
We collect the oil
Relax to the bride at home without the need of additional tools that may not be possible. For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention to the choice of oil or lotion. If the woman does not hide his preferences, can give you an erotic massage with oil or of the skin, which is used on an ongoing basis, taking care of your body after the visit to the pool or the bathtub.
If your favorite lotion, cream, oil, or the smell has not been found, it is the preference it is recommended to give the essential oils:
• lavender;• tea tree;
• ylang-ylang;
• jojoba oil;
• roses or rosemary.
If your partner has a tendency to allergic reactions, preference is given to hypoallergenic tools: children's, whipped cream, vazelinovomu or kamfornomu oil.
The strong emotions produced chocolate, even the smell of this candy delivers the beautiful sex the pleasure.
The effect of these procedures will be higher, if in a large amount of apply the oil or lotion on the body of the bride, and their hands. However, the tool should be warm, pleasant.
The man hands you can convert erogennyi massage service in this ordinance, to do this you must act correctly, respecting a specific algorithm of action.

How to make a stimulating massage
Stimulating massage for women make by following the following algorithm:
1. Movements will help you relax and deal with stress.2. And here it is worth to engage in active to the skin.
How to perform the procedure:
• the woman should lie on the belly;• the back should be smooth;
• the man is at the top or the bottom of the table, or the place where you will find the partner;
• a woman who is totally relaxed under his head and his feet, it is recommended to put the roll-up, roll of towels;
• after the hands on the surface of the body to apply the oil, lotion or cream.
For the girl excited of massage, it's worth it:
1. To do an erotic massage on the chest and belly.2. Migrate without problems to the crotch and genitals.
The main recommendations
How to make love properly with the help of massages:
• it is necessary to start with the tip of your fingers, your hands, knead, not forgetting mezhpalcevuyu layer;• when the girl extends to the back, slowly the fingers go to your calves, the movements should be soft, razminayuzhimi and rub — initially, the cushions of the fingers, then the side of the hand;
• after the calves spend in the area of the hips and buttocks — this area is not as sensitive to the influences of diverse kinds, for this reason, are bent and Pat;
• the back is constantly in tension, pay more attention, especially from the area between the vanes;
• after passing the shoulder area and the neck — shoulders knead with the hands, but with the neck you have to be more careful, it is advisable to avoid the powerful impact of moving from the head down, stroking the skin.
Above all consider the following areas:
1. The neck.2. The tips of the fingers, as in the hands and feet.
3. The waist area and the time interval between the shoulder blades.
4. The buttocks and thighs.
These areas must work in any case, even if you do not plan to finish the massage of intimacy.
The technique of the celebration of excitation of massage
For the body of the companion has become more sensitive to the touch, it is recommended to do a massage on the chest and belly. Carried out under the following scheme:
• the woman lies on his back;• a little calf of the leg on the face;
• in your skin to put the cream or oil;
• begin to perform the procedure.
She is of an erotic nature, as the girl in the period touch totally bare and massage involves the evolution of the following areas:
1. The neck and the lobe of the ear.2. The chest.
3. The abdomen and the waist area.
4. The crotch.
5. The inner part of the hip.
Same playing lead exciting nature, which are directed not to the relaxation of the muscles, and the stimulation of certain areas. In consequence, a girl's body begins to tremble from the exposure.
A man can combine the movements of the hands, with kissing, skin to the skin of the beloved language. The technique of making this type of procedures is more reminiscent of the sex game, forgetting that it is not necessary.
If spouses are married for a year and wife from long ago is lost to a family pet, these stimulation will help to arouse in her feelings.

How to excite a girl during the massage
Exciting of nature are not smooth, and activates the touch, to excite and warm feelings. In the home to excite your beloved you need to the following scheme:
• It is recommended to start with the neck and mochek of the ear. This area is sensitive to any stimulyacijam, because, literally, wrapped in the nerve endings and blood vessels. The lobe of the knead 2 index fingers and thumb. After sliding over the area of the neck and the neckline.• Loved one can kiss passionately to a woman in the neck, and then on the lips, stroking the area of the neck and the fingers touching the milk glands.
• The girl reacts well to any accidental contact, such as the breast and the milk glands. But to squeeze or compress until it is not worth. It is better to leave for later. When they are firm, you can move to the belly area.
• Now you have to excite gentle circular movements, making the sense of the needles of the clock. It is not forbidden to kiss a woman in the womb to touch the area of the bunch tongue and lips.
• Then, you must go to the crotch. In this area, erogenous zones are very sensitive to any being touched. You can touch with your fingers, use a different type of stimulation.
• The passion will be strengthened if you complete the procedure of dabs to the back of the thigh.
Favorite of the woman or of the woman facing this type of resist fondling can't. But if, by doing that the girl exciting body massage, the effect of the not arrived, you can repeat the movements of the body, including the of the companion potential preferences.
The main rule is not to go out of the body, the contact should be continuous, permanent. For the beloved was in waiting for a new touch, but the waiting was of short duration. Still it is worth to observe the reaction of the girl, not to distract the attention of their strange conversations and focus completely on the process.