Enjoy the intimate life is capable of all women. Often this phenomenon is due to the lack of production of the secretion of the genital tract, so that it reduces sexual activity, they lose the desire to make love. With the aim of helping to experience an orgasm is released with special lubrication for women, increase the excitement and desire to enter in the sexual act.

The causes of low sexual desire
The lack of interest of women toward the male sex may be due to conditions of the body, including certain diseases. Due to this, in the intimate life of lack of satisfaction, often, you can even contribute to the development of the unpleasant sensations, as the vagina stays dry.
The main causes of low female libido are:
- the chronic pathology type;
- the violation hormonal;
- emotional disorders — stress, depression, the fear, the excitement;
- the reception of a large number of antidepressants, sedatives, medications;
- the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, smoking, the consumption of drugs.
Determine the lack of sexual desire to the android part of the population, the women can by itself. This is expressed in the lack of desire to have sex, the lack of satisfaction. If it is not possible to establish the causes of the decrease of the libido, you can consult a specialist. He shall establish, shall designate a good therapy, thanks to which the woman turns the emotion and the desire to engage in sexual activity.
Often, in order to identify the factors that have to undergo a full medical examination and make sure to donate blood to determine the level of hormones.
Types of lubricants
Now there are a variety of lubricants–stimulating for the woman. They differ from the form of the application, have different readings, the form of publication.
To acquire the data of the tool, in any specialized store, pharmacist of the institution. Thanks to an extensive program has the possibility of choosing the appropriate drug, taking into account personal preferences, the characteristics of an organism, the method of application.
We distinguish the following forms of pathogens:

- tablets, capsules are characterized by their high prevalence, because of the ease of use. You can always carry with you and take imperceptible if it is necessary. The therapeutic effect comes after 30 minutes, a duration of about 5-6 hours. The data of the stimulants can be manufactured on the basis of synthetic or vegetable ingredients;
- powders, liquids, drops — they work very efficiently, the emotion appears after 10 minutes from the time of the application. These drugs contain natural ingredients, so you do not have contraindications. Due to the lack of smell, the taste, the solutions, can be added to the beverage;
- gels, ointments, sprays, are designed for outdoor use, made by means of aspiration of the aphrodisiac plants. Used prior to intimate contact, then put in the genital area. The duration of the effect of these stimulants is 1-2 hours;
- chew the form of funds — it is characterized by a great popularity among the female gender. Can have different flavors, smells, you are able to whiten the teeth, freshen the breath. The therapeutic effect starts after 10 minutes.
Pick up properly intimate stimulants will help the doctor, taking into account all the preferences, individual characteristics of the body.
To obtain the mutual pleasure, the pleasure in the exercise of love, the couple at the same time, it is recommended to use stimulating fat for men, especially, if you have some impotence problems.
How to apply correctly
The pleasure of the sexual act, in large part depends upon the correct use of lubricants. You must read the instructions carefully. It is also necessary to take into account the contraindications, pay attention to the duration of intimate arousal.
The tablets and capsules is applied as the usual means, take the water. The ointment put in the genital area of a small layer. The solutions may be added in a variety of liquids, as it will not spoil its taste and smell. The spray is used topically as gels. Chewy, stimulants may be applied as a routine of rumination.
If you comply with the instructions, may achieve a prolonged orgasm during sex.
Before applying any tool, you can not forget the existence of the contraindications. Intimate lubrication is prohibited in the following cases:
- the period of gestation;
- the presence of mental disorders, especially convulsions;
- the occurrence of seizures upper and lower extremities;
- the hipertensin arterial;
- the inflammatory processes of the genital organs.
Women constantly are noticed by an emotional instability, namely, the stress, the depression, suffer from tantrums and they are in a state of hyperarousal, also are contraindicated in women with a fat.
Stimulants cannot be used to the girls not to interfere with the sexual relations, because in the future there may be some complications. Often this is determined by the lack of getting an orgasm during sex.
The examination of the effective means of

On the shelves of shops and pharmacies represent different forms of fats, so it will not be difficult to find the right remedy. In terms of the effectiveness and the duration of get pleasure, each drug is characterized by its advantages and disadvantages.
The place of leadership in dealing with fat in the form of tablets and capsules, as well as its therapeutic action lasts for 5-6 hours. Pick up the right medicine to help doctor.
Interesting solution to the problem makes use of the chewing of stimulants. Are able to ignite the desire for proximity, help you relax and enjoy sex.
To solve a problem of character help to many women lubrication, the most important thing — to choose the tool, taking into account personal preferences.