Women's sexual arousal is one of the biggest mysteries of nature. If men are capable of experiencing sexual desire in a few seconds, a representative of the beautiful half of humanity, and this dream. Unfortunately, not all men know how to excite a girl.
It is worth noting the main and the obvious fact – all women are different. A loves to feel sexual arousal, you need a couple of passionate kisses, another pair of familiar words, the third does not appear without excitation of massage.
And yet the psychology, anatomy, and experience indicate that there is a standard, time-tested ways of excitation of the woman.
What, for a girl? The longing of the whole body, hot pussy, low look – the typical signs of sexual arousal in women. The world ceases to exist, in the head there is not a healthy thoughts. The animal instincts want to escape to the outside, the body requires to continue, and, what is more important, the end of the download.
The signs of sexual arousal to the girl
As a general rule, the girl needs 15 minutes of the assets and liabilities caresses, to experience these sensations. How does this mysterious process from the point of view of physiology?
At the time of active lask, in particular the stimulation of the clitoris and the chest, the blood reaches the genitals. Appears the moisture between the thighs, increases the heart rate and body temperature, the more upsetting the breathing. Tense muscles in the lower part of the abdomen, is another classic of the excitation signal of the female body.
A man and a woman excitation – the distinctive features:
- In men the inclination to the girl occurs quickly. A typical example: the street is a spectacular woman with a good figure. Mini-skirt and high heels highlight the beauty of long legs. Brilliant, but do not leave make-up, hair care, the smell of spirits... Many men in this seductive, you will feel sexual arousal? Yes, almost everything!
- The woman is becoming more and more difficult and confusing. The man can be completely normal in appearance, with the "tavern" full stomach, bald and a little similar to that of an athlete. And yet, he will be a popular choice among women. Why? Because he knows that a feminine psychology. This man is always on top sexual olympian.
Truth # 1. How to excite a girl? Gives the strong impression of men. Create an image of conquering, dominant.
The woman wants a strong man. The one that can protect in case of danger. In this modern sense of the lady is not very different from that of its primitive ancestors. What the man had over a dozen lovers, a couple of centuries ago? The one who killed more than all the animals and enemies, the best of all the hunted, who was the host in the house!
The corporal punishment of the factors of sexual arousal in women
And yet, as you want that it was a man of pleasing girl "rare things" in the field sentimental, there are two women physiological factors that cannot be left aside:
- the frequency of the intimacy of the contacts in women;
- day of the menstrual cycle.
If the woman experienced a great leap in the sex, she excites much faster than his love analog. Nature requires that your body wants petting and cuddling male.
However, can not be excluded and the last, sexual experience. Sexual intimacy should not call the girl of the unpleasant memories, and a stagnation in the sexual sphere must not be associated with painful associations.
Women in every period of the menstrual cycle have different degrees of sexual desire. It is easier to excite the girl at the time of ovulation and immediately before menstruation.
At the time of ovulation of the woman felt a great sexual desire. It is a natural phenomenon determined by nature. At this time it is more easy to get pregnant, so the woman is easily aroused, and without effort on the part of the couple.
Before the menses, on the contrary, the sexual desire is almost zero. Because of a high level of hormones in the body, irritability, abdominal pain.
The course is psychology. The compliments, the conversations and the environment.
The woman always appreciates discreet male attention. It flatters your ego, helps you stay in shape. Most of the ladies do make up, attend to beauty salons and buy sex, but not dissolute clothes to appeal to men.

Truth # 2. No woman will not remain indifferent to the righteousness of praise. Words of admiration excited!
Want to excite a woman? To express her approval. A trifling phrase of admiration, and the woman wants to continue. They are especially appreciated for the compliments on the appearance (otherwise, why take care of itself?). Good to point out female intelligence, humility, and good humour.
The classic commendations, which can never fail:
- "You have a very nice smile (with beautiful eyes, soft hands)".
- "With you it is easy to talk to."
- "To you the face of this dress (sweater, hat)".
A male voice – a good assistant in arousal of the girl. Deep, with a little bit of wheezing fits, the woman in the desired wave.
Truth # 3. To excite a woman, the man should speak is low and clear, not to lose the chance of playing to your partner.
The man interested in desired to a woman. Now it is necessary, for promised, I felt her credibility. Because women perceive sex as something more than a natural need of the body. Most girls want to learn more from your partner, to feel their strength, reliability.
As the man can excite a woman? A simple method and plenty of conversation!
Truth # 4. You want to excite a woman? Start asking questions of a personal nature: what he likes for breakfast, what kind of clothes you prefer to wear, to what they value most people.
The woman will never be in a state of excitement, if she is uncomfortable in the presence of the couple. Less unpleasant sensations brings the communication process, the greater is the probability that the man to see the excitement of the girl.
If the relationship has already passed the period of chocolates and bouquets, as a powerful factor of excitation approach conversations about sex. The short story is sexual in nature, narrated a low voice and the ear, causing great sexual desire in women. That is why you can not not to mention the fact that men like to see scenes hot, and the women, talk about them.
Truth # 5. How to excite a woman? Invite an appointment, where the prevalence of the fantastic atmosphere.
Romantic break in an unspoiled environment, are organized with the purpose of seduction. The end of a good privileged of meeting is always the same – sex.
Quiet music, the smell of flowers and candles, soft drinks, snacks, great environment for the night is ready! If during the visit, the man behaves, courtesy, easy to maintain a conversation, the woman in such conditions, you will feel the sexual attraction.
The head had a thought: "What a cute, good man! This, to me, he was already preparing!" The man who makes beautiful works, very aroused.
The touch and other exciting steps
A woman's arousal grows little by little, step by step. Especially with the new couple. Touch is necessary to discreetly: remove the tabs with the century, put the hand in the waist at the entrance of the restaurant, repair the curl hairstyles. Such soft, seconds, touch finally to play a significant role.

Even women love the prolonged contact of the eyes. Man, that long looks in the eyes of the partner, has an interest. Perhaps, even, admiration, approval. The look should be warm, accompanied by a barely visible smile.
Truth # 6. Nearly all women are excited kisses on the neck and the neckline.
Kiss his neck slowly at the beginning, the language does not take advantage of. Start the best thing of all about the right or the left of the ear, slowly toward the center. After work and the language. Licking the piece of skin on the neck, and blow the dreams of licking. It can be a bit biting, and pursing the lips. And again with affection, a kiss.
You begin to caress the chest you need of the top of the neckline, near the collarbone. Slowly lower to the nipples.
The nipples – it is a very sensitive organ. With them should go especially smoothly. Cut around the tongue around the nipple, put slight pressure on the lips, gently kiss you – some of those movements are able to excite the girl to madness.
Stimulating massage of the chest is capable of melting even the "snow queen". The touch should be safe, but sweet. Alternating tingling, the touch of Swedish. Near the nipples is best limited to caressing and crushing.
The woman wants to feel in his body the strong hands of a man. This gives you a sense of security and reliability.
Truth # 7. Many women are very excited to slowly caress the inner part of the thighs and the buttocks.
Intimate of caresses or kisses need to comply with the mind. For a woman the arousal of the clitoris with the hand – this is unacceptable, and the other with the joy of relate to this occupation. Therefore, before going directly to privacy, you must check the soil. Draw the right conclusions about the nature of the chosen, the way of the education, the conception of the world.
To caress the clitoris of the hand of the men should be soft and warm. Soft, barely perceptible movement of touching the clitoris of the girl. Through a second to repeat the movement. Touching the clitoris with the tip of the fingers, almost not perceived. Act first with care, slowly. That men hand in hand for a few seconds will be among the women of the hips.
Now you can stroke, exert a slight pressure on the clitoris. Stroking the sensitive inner part of the maiden's body rhythmically and with tenderness. Well, when a man is sandwiched rubbing and pressure. Let's imagine that the clitoris is the canvas, and the fingers – the brush. Draw it in this canvas of the diagonal line, large and small circles.
The spontaneity, excitement, and male, and the dedication
Women like variety in sex. This is especially true for couples that already a lot of years together. Common scenario of sexual does not carry: by night, the children of the soil of sleep, the darkness, a couple of shy kisses and directly to the sexual intimacy.
The man who wants to excite a woman, you should be able to fantasize. Spontaneous sex after working directly in the shoes intrigue! Just in the hallway, exposing only in the sexual organs. If the action is accompanied by a laugh or a message full of passion, the man even won't have much time to caress my dear. Let the caress of the tongue and the hands for another occasion. A few passionate kisses on the mouth, and the woman cured of the passion.
Truth # 8. Not planned sexual intimacy excites the woman.
The man should not hide their excitement. The woman likes to see the sexual impulse of man. If desired, indispensable – this is the dream of all women beautiful half of humanity.

Truth # 9. The man can say about his strong sexual excitement, and the woman is ready to give away.
The nature it is put that the female sex love to feel a strong male shoulder. The woman that always dominates in the intimate sphere, is afraid that the man will not bring you pleasure. That is why it is easier to take the initiative in their hands, that after experiencing the frustration, the embarrassment and the dissatisfaction of the couple.
Let's sum up. To excite a girl, it is necessary to:
- behave as a strong, self-assured, the man;
- create the appropriate for the sex atmosphere romantic and lonely;
- make compliments;
- to be a gentleman, talk with the couple;
- not to forget that "accidentally" touch a woman;
- the exercise of the imagination;
- have at their disposal a wide range of caresses.
What is not needed!
- be aggressive;
- talk aloud, discuss, prove your point of view;
- constantly shut;
- to be poor in kisses and caresses;
- think only about your own pleasure, consider the woman as a sexual object.