Very often the cause of quarrels in the families are converted into problems of intimate nature.
After spending some time together, people start to complain that the sex of steel, not interesting, ancient, static. No storm of feelings, new sensations, the spouses are not experiencing.
What to do, how to recover the desire to engage each other, to increase intimate of your mood? Can come in to help aphrodisiacs.
The modern medicine offers the beautiful half of humanity different libido enhancers – pills, vaginal creams, ointment. But today we'll learn how to quickly excites the woman with the help of the media.

What is aphrodisiac, and why women need?
Aphrodisiacs are tools capable of provoking in man the sexual arousal. Term derived from the name of the goddess of beauty and love of Ancient greece, aphrodite.
Aphrodisiacs help the person to strengthen the sexual instinct, even when he does not want to the sexual relationship.
Despite the fact that today there is a great deal of exciting tablets, creams, lotions for women, it is better to resort to the help of natural aphrodisiacs.
They do not cause addiction, it is not necessary to search for in specialty shops, because they are all around us.
Important, to know what products, plants, oil causes to the women of the excitation.
Thanks to the natural aphrodisiac that can:
- create a mood romantic;
- relax, get the maximum pleasure;
- intensify sexual desire;
- quickly obtain powerful and prolonged orgasm;
- to free up the more tight and humble girl;
- avoid the painful menstruation, to a pathological process of the mammary glands, genital venous stasis, frigidity, by obtaining an orgasm.
In function of the perception, natural aphrodisiacs for women can be of flavors (come into the body at the time of the meal), or primordium (odors).
The most strong aphrodisiacs for women are those that:
- have the natural composition;
- done correctly, and with love;
- are prepared independently, are drawn from nature, and not by chemical means (without pills).
Foods with effect exciting
The easiest way of increasing sexual desire – prepare a romantic dinner by candlelight, where the emphasis should be on the plate. There are products that excite desire huge women.
Pick up romantic and sexual in the mood to help:
- Oysters, prawns, caviar – these gifts of the sea improve the quality of sexual intercourse, increase sexual activity, charged with energy.
- Avocado – ignites the fervour of loving, because of the large amount of minerals, vitamins and fatty acids.
- Dark Chocolate – what woman can give up the sweets? And already in the black, the chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, a substance that increases the sexual activity. This sweet product is also involved in the production of estrogen, the hormone that strengthens the circulation of the blood, regulates the menstrual cycle.
- Honey – this sweet, natural product of the bee contains a large amount of vitamins and trace elements, giving the women the burden of joy, of resistance.
- The watermelon. This juicy, sweet berry contains in the composition of the citrulline is the amino acid that improves the blood circulation in the pelvic organs, increased libido.
- Olives – activated sexual instinct, contribute to the fertility.
- Bananas – in addition to the visual image (banana shape is reminiscent of a manhood), which contains a large amount of vitamins, giving the woman the strength and energy for the bedding, fondling her.
- Quail eggs – normalizes the hormonal status, improve the functioning of the reproductive system, positive effect on the state of the skin and the hair.
The action of honey as an aphrodisiac as has been noticed in the times of kievan rus. Then, the guests receive the newly-weds barrels and barrels of honey. Those who were to drink drink honey in the period of one month for the awakening of the passion, and the success of conception. There has been proven the expression "honey moon".
When you choose the products aphrodisiac for women, it is important not to overdo it. Not worth the spoons are honey, eat a watermelon or eat dark chocolate. In addition to the allergy and banal of binge eating, dangerous, the emergence of abdominal distention, meteorism, abdominal pain, you will get nothing.
Consuming products aphrodisiacs need of the mind: enough to eat a piece of watermelon or banana, to intensify sexual desire.
And it must be taken into account the characteristics of the body: if the honey is allergic, then it is not necessary to say, it is better to give preference to other products.

The essential oils that stir up passion in women
Olfactory amplifiers libido – smells the same way, that the products are able to exacerbate the feelings of the female sex.
The best aromas erotic for her to be such the aroma of the oils:
- The oil of rose – turn on the woman of the passion, rejuvenates the skin, prevents its aging. Simply add a few drops of rose oil in the bathroom, lie down in it 10 minutes, enjoy floral scents.
- The oil from ylang-ylang is the most popular is an aphrodisiac, which is used in expensive perfumes and cosmetics. Soon wakes up sensuality, attraction, for its spicy and warm aroma. The oil can be added in aroma lamp or take it with him to a bathroom.
- Bergamot oil – improves mood, eliminates anxiety, the anguish, help to easily and quickly to liberarXia in the bed, relieves tension and fatigue. This oil can be used for erotic massage, as well as add aroma lamp.
- Jasmine oil – helps to relax, calming, reinforces the attraction, it eliminates the coldness, the lack of harmony, self-confidence. This oil can be added in cosmetics: gel for the body, cream, tonic, shampoo, or use for massage, drip a few drops in the bath the aroma lamp.
- The oil of ginger. Many believe that ginger is a masculine fragrance, but in the same way it acts on the women. He saves from infertility, eliminates sexual impotence, makes the desired woman, woman, relaxed. Thanks to this watch of the girl easier and easier to respond to the fantasies of men.
The purchase of essential oils to improve the intimate mood of women, it is necessary to take into account that only the natural oils have a powerful effect exciting. Analogs synthetic oils to increase libido are not suitable.
Therefore, before you buy, make sure you read the indication on the label. If it is written, Natural oil, means the oil is natural; and if there is indication, Fragrance hotel – then not worth buying this type of scent.
The herb-aphrodisiacs for women
There are a large number of species, beneficial affect women's sexual arousal. The herb-aphrodisiacs prepare, taken immediately before the sexual contact:
- Sage – prevent the onset of frigidity, helps to better understand the process of conception. On the action of this plant still knew in Ancient egypt. So this herb was considered sacred, and gave their young women to a quick recovery of the population after the devastating wars and epidemics that have carried out a large number of people. Today, specialists recommend women to consume the fresh juice of the sage.
- Fennel helps to relax, contributes to the arrival of your expected pregnancy. Fennel can add a variety of dishes, such as cheese and drying. In this latter case, it is important that you prepare it for storage: grinding in the ceramic, slate, stored in a bank. Instead of green you can use and seeds of fennel: an infusion as the tea. The same effect, such as fennel, has the spinach.
- Chamomile is one of the flowers of this plant can be to make a tea: 1 teaspoon of dried flowers pour 200 ml of boiling water, let stand for 10 minutes. Drink in the form of heat, to increase sexual arousal and improve the taste of the drink you can add a little honey.
- Clover – the flowers of this sweet herbs may infusion: 1 teaspoon of flowers pour a glass of boiling water. You can also add petals of fresh clover in salads.
- Melissa – it quickly relieves stress, combats fatigue and anxiety. Melissa exacerbates and stimulates the senses. To prepare the tea can be used as dry and fresh leaves of the plant.
- Manzhetka it is purely the female plant. The herb helps to remove the inflammation, rejuvenate the skin, attract the love, support women's reproductive function. To increase libido you can take in both fresh, like dry, grass. Fresh of the rotator cuff can make salads and dried – tea aromatic (2 tablespoons of plant in 200 ml of boiling water).
Do female aphrodisiac same
Despite the fact that today is sold a large amount of funds that increase libido, the same insurance professionals: it is best to make an aphrodisiac for women with their own hands.
So you can transfer all of his feelings in the second half, and this will intensify even more the aphrodisiac effect. Here are some recipes to increase the sexual desire.
Erotic dessert
You will need these ingredients: eggs, bobwhite quail (8 pieces), honey (100 g), fresh raspberries (to discretion), gelatin (15 g).
Of the proteins of the eggs to foam, add the honey. For the color you add in the foam of raspberry.
Soak gelatine in cold water. Add in the egg-honey dough. Bring to a simmer to avoid boiling.
Then cool, pour over the jars and put in the refrigerator. Erotic dessert for ladies is ready.
Sensual salad
Ingredients: spinach, mushrooms, avocado, cheese, low. Mushrooms boil, avocado peel and bones.
Prepared food, chopped, seasoning sauce (mix the olive oil, the bite, the salt and sugar), decorate the top vetochkami of dill, as well as pieces of any fruit or berries.
The perfume "scents of love"
To not buy an expensive perfume, best to do it by themselves, taking advantage of the tools that increase libido:
Add 10 ml of oil-base, for example, peach essential oil.
Add to it the essential oils: Jasmine, rose (2 drops) of oil of bergamot or sandalwood (1 drop). Or you can add 3 drops of oil of ylang-ylang or 2 drops of jasmine.
The essential oils you choose to the taste and feelings, for the girl liked the smell.

The causes of reduced libido
To revive the fervor of the love of the woman, and not allow it to be vanish, it is necessary to know what factors reduce the sex drive:
- smoking;
- the stress;
- the lack of sleep;
- alcoholic beverages;
- harmful food – salty, fatty, fried, kitchen.
All these factors cause fatigue, adversely affect the health, weaken the nervous system, causing the eclipse of the sense of the desires.
Therefore, if a woman little sleep, smoking, alcohol abuse and mal-nourished, then it is not natural, and even synthetic tools-aphrodisiacs will not help. It is necessary to review your lifestyle and make adjustments.
Now that you know how media can turn on extinct sexual drive. Products, aphrodisiacs, scents, herbal teas – all of these types of aphrodisiacs can skillfully put in place to carry the woman, to make her excited.
The main thing is not to overdo it, use them competently, to help, and not undermined. And be sure to prepare tools-aphrodisiacs with the love.
You must also remember that a good night's sleep, good eating and the good mood is a woman's assistants that ensure the health of the whole body, normalizing the sexual desire.