The formation of the secretions of arousal in the woman, because of that during the sexual act, increases the amount of fat. This occurs due to the natural ducatus, employee of the protection of the genital organs of the mechanical damage produces more amount of mucus.

In the type of flow contains many substances, thanks to which it is protected sex, the system of the penetration of the infection. But, there are cases in which when the flow in the moment of intimacy too abundant, or, on the contrary, it is not enough, which can bring disadvantages.
Important! In healthy women, vaginal fat of the average density, transparent consistency and does not have a characteristic odor and color. If there has been any change in the color or viscosity, you should consult your doctor for further determine the pathology.
It is important to determine the nature of vaginal discharge. As plenty of the formation of the secretions, and their absence can be a disturbing symptom. The influence on the change of color and viscosity of the mucus, you can have the consumption of drugs, the age at the rate, as well as the hormonal change.
The influence of the sexual relationship in the formation of mucus
On average in the wall of the vagina, the moisture will form after 12 to 16 seconds after the start of the active stimulation in the erogenous zone. This also occurs when the strong women of the selection to be produced when excited at a psychological level. After that in the sexual organ is introduced a natural lubricant, the mucus continues, and even an increase in their volumes.
During the excitation, the mucus excels in the standard, and the more the maximum level of selection occurs when the orgasm. When the decrease of the excitation of the office of mucus is normal.
Natural praeunctus is a sure sign of what happened to female arousal, that can't stimulate or false. In the penetration of the sperm into the female sexual organ can change the consistency of the fat and the vagina will come in a new form with the consistency of white color.
The change of the mappings at the time of the intimacy
The selection of the women is manifest in the form of aqueous liquid of a substance that acts as a lubricant. Greater amount of fat, as a general rule, occurs when a woman is excited. Often, some of the girls after intimacy occurs the specific training of the vaginal secretions. If the sexual contact occurs without a condom, after which the act can manifest itself to the women to education thick and clear secretory media offices mucus.
These forces of the vagina, after a brief period of time spend in another way, and the separations are white form of liquid consistency. When the insurance of the sexual relationship, or when its abrupt interruption of the separations is celebrated on the white of the little creamy structure. The change of offices of the vagina, sometimes occurs due to the action of one or other hormone medication.
When you apply the medication of the hormone action (i.e. birth control or other means) can lead to the formation of an allergic reaction, which is characterized by the braking ovulatory process. In this case, the selection of lubrication much is reduced to its normal size volume. Very rarely can happen when taking the contraceptive most abundant of the offices of the mucus. As only hormonal medication stop taking them, the value is normalized.

A negative effect due to a change of sexual partner
If the girls often change sexual partners, this may also cause a change in vaginal lubrication. The office of the penis, which can be thicker and more abundant. This happens because when you have sex with a new partner changes the state of the intestinal flora in the genital organs.
Due to the action of the new freedom is conditional-pathogenic flora, infiltrator in the system of the body in the vagina occurs the adaptation to the unknown bacteria and microorganism, and in some cases a total rejection. Often, this results in an increase of the number of offices of mucus, as well as the color change and the structure of lubrication. As a general rule, little by little indicator is normalized. However, when you increase the frequency of change of partner may form a serious disease, as well as infertility.
The lack of secretions
There are some cases in which during the sexual act, the office of mucus does not stand out in the amount needed. That manifestation also in the practice of medicine consider that the deviation from the norm. This usually occurs in the background of what you do not produce the required amount of lubricantes. The lack of secretions, is extremely dangerous, as it can become serious complications.
In this context, often forms the adhesion of pathogenic micro-organisms due to the fact that in sex the system becomes vulnerable. During the sexual act, the woman is annoying inconvenience. Can also occur female of the disease. If a woman has a lack of secretion, this negatively affects your sexual partner. When the girl of the excessive dryness in the vagina, this can cause the partner will be broken or damaged in any way to the flange on the penis.
The reasons for the absence of secretions
As a general rule, for any deviation from the norm in the body there is a reason why that happened the disorder. The abundant lubrication, and in the absence of offices of mucus is a factor that influences the formation. The sharp drop of the discharge from the vagina occurs when:
- frequent stress situations;
- sexually transmitted diseases, and the presence of the infection process in the genital organs;
- hormonal imbalances;
- diseases of the sexual system;
- low arousal sex before an act;
- infringed, the circulation of the blood;
- patalgico state in the nervous system.
Important! When it separates the fat in women during sexual preludes, means the opening of a procedure. This is due to the reaction in the body and it is normal for the indicator. In connection with the individual features of the body, the fat is separated from someone else, and others to a lesser extent.
You should know that as scarce and abundant of the assignment to the woman with the presence of odors and discomfort required of the observation. When the first symptoms appear, you should go to a specialist in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. In any case, the excess of the survey will not prevent to make sure that with permanent body that everything is in order, in addition to resolve in a timely manner unpleasant disorder.