Not everyone knows who it belongs to the wise saying goes: "a Woman must love, and not understand". They are the words of bhagavan sri rajneesh, known as osho.
The book "About women. Contact with a woman of spiritual strength" is not the result of the writing talent of osho, is a kind of summary, the recording of the conversations of a sage with his disciples. By the way, all the books of osho have this structure: question-answer.
The book, as a source of understanding between men and women

Reasoning on women, the philosopher is extracted, called himself "neither a man nor a woman, and consciousness". He says with great love and admiration. Osho speaks, contemplating and admiring. After reading the book of osho, perhaps many of us may reconsider its attitude towards women, the relationship between the man and the woman, the sexuality, the manifestation of feelings, of consciousness.
Singing and loving to a woman, osho emphasizes the need of men for her. By calling the harmony in the relations, considered feminist movement of liberation and enslavement. The sage encourages women to use their true feminine quality (to contact the female spiritual power), such as wisdom, kindness, tenderness, sexuality. And, in this book osho withdraws from sexuality played a special role, focused on the sexual side of life, considering it as something fundamental between the sexes. The woman is the main source, the beginning, the love.
The book of osho "About women. Contact with a woman of spiritual strength" is recommended for men and women, in search and have found understanding, and try to understand.