Few women know that they can and should be normal in the vagina and when the vaginal discharge speak about the disease.

The vaginal secretions can be varied by the color (bloody red, brown, gray, black, whitish, greenish, yellowish, pinkish), the consistency (jaleosas, cheesy, scummy) with the smell and without smell. The selection of the vagina, which may be accompanied by other symptoms (itching, irritation, pain) or it can be the only symptom of the disease. In this article, we will describe the most common types of vaginal secretions, and describe the methods of diagnosis and treatment of diseases that are accompanied by secretions. Also, in this article we are going to talk about a problem of vaginal discharge in pregnant women.
In healthy women the vagina is composed of mucous produced by the glands of the neck of the uterus. Small but constant of the vagina of the vagina contribute to the purification of the genital tract of the woman and prevent infection.
The norm of the vagina scanty, of mucous membranes, may be a little turbid due to impurities of the epithelial cells of the vagina, if during the day the use of the same daily board of the selection in the that may be slightly yellowish. The nature and quantity of vaginal discharge depends on the day of the menstrual cycle: in the middle of the cycle when ovulation approaches, vaginal discharge are similar in the consistency of the egg white, the selection is more abundant than usual, more alkaline. Increases the amount of vaginal discharge during sex arousal, especially during sexual intercourse. Normal selection does not cause discomfort, it does not cause unpleasant sensations: itching, burning and irritation of the genitals. If you give the stroke normal secretions, it will not be a greater number of leukocytes and of the flora will be the priority of the wand.
The smell of fresh vaginal secretion, practically is not present, the odor of the secretions appears when the reproduction in them of the bacteria.
- Transparent pull back, the mucous membranes of the selection, similar to the egg white and more abundant in the half of the cycle the period before ovulation is the norm.
- Cream scarce selection the second half of the cycle is the norm.
- Cream selection — the last days of the cycle is the norm.
- Transparent, white or slightly yellowish selection of blood clots in the first hours after unprotected intercourse, when the semen enters the vagina of the standard.
- Plenty of fluids selection of white the next morning, after sexual intercourse without protection are the norm.
- Cream white rare selection after intercourse with a condom or without ejaculation in the vagina — the vaginal lubrication is the norm.
- Red red spotting, the increase in the — beginning of the period, the first day is the norm.
- The allocation of blood scarlet to have a seam in the middle of the cycle (from monthly) — to occur in the near future, after ovulation in the middle of the cycle — the variant of the norm.
- Whitish liquid clear selection, similar to the of the milk, during pregnancy, generally increase with the increase of the duration of the standard, if not irritated the external genitalia and do not have an unpleasant odor.
The selection before monthly
The state of the flora and of the vaginal discharge depends on the hormonal changes during the different phases of the cycle, so that the color and consistency of secretions may change before the monthly selection, which may be more turbid, yellowish, or white and more abundant (feeling of constant humidity), more viscous. But if it is maintained in the discharge, and after the menstrual period, especially if these symptoms are vaginal itching or abdominal pain should consult a doctor gynecologist.
Brown selection before monthly is the selection with the mixture of the blood. Spotted in the standard can appear for a day or two before the start of heavy menstrual bleeding. If staining selection preceded by months over a period of more than 2 days, or the brown, the pink, the reddish brown of the selection appear in the middle of the menstrual cycle, it is likely that testifies to the disease.
Brown selection before monthly can indicate: hormonal violations, the presence of any of the infections (in particular, when the endometritis — inflammation of endometrium), diseases of hematology of the nature. Very often, these phenomena accompany endometrial hyperplasia, endometrial polyps. In particular, the brown selection prior to monthly in conjunction with other symptoms (pain during menstruation, long-lasting more than 7 days of abundant bleeding with clots) are symptoms of endometriosis.
Brown selection in the middle of the cycle can be a symptom of progesterone deficiency or polycystic ovary syndrome, such states cause infertility and require treatment. Too heavy bleeding during menstruation — it Should be of ultrasound to assess the state of the internal genital organs. These hemorrhages may be symptoms of uterine fibroids, endometriosis, then, when a normal thickness of the endometrium (lining of the uterus) by scraping (as it's called, this procedure may not be necessary. If the cause of the hemorrhage hypertrophy (increase in the endometrial thickness, endometrial polyps or cervical scraping should produce necessarily. This will stop the bleeding and make histologically, in order to exclude the disease is more severe.
The allocation to the diseases of the
Permanent that do not vary during the cycle of assignment, except in the period of menstruation, are when a woman takes hormonal contraceptives, or suffer from infertility and do not have inflammatory processes of the vagina.
- Alie spotted a few days before a month — the erosion of the neck of the uterus, endocervicitis.
- Alie spotting during pregnancy — the release of the fertile egg, or the placenta, the threat of interruption of pregnancy.
- Alie bleeding after sex — microfractures in the vagina, which have been formed during the sexual act, erosion of cervix, cervicitis.
- After an abortion may be stained, the variety, quantity, and color. After 1 week. Be sure to see a gynecologist, and pass the inspection of ultrasound.
- The mucous membranes of the selection of white or transparent of the mucous membranes of the selection with the veins white at the end of the cycle, before menstruation — the erosion of the cervix, cervicitis (inflammation of the canal of the neck of the uterus). The selection of mucus in any way connected with the cervix.
- White cheesy or similar in the kefir selection of the white film or plate between large and small labia, the clitoris, usually in combination with the bread or the milk smell — yeast infection (candida).
- White or slightly greenish, grayish color, peeling of the films of the selection, usually in combination with the smell of fish — dysbiosis of the vagina (gardnerellosis).
- Yellowish or greenish, abundant selection acute bacterial infection of the vagina, acute adneksit (inflammation of the ovaries), acute salpingitis (inflammation in the fallopian tubes).
- Color yellow or greenish, scarce allocation of bacterial infection of the vagina, the erosion of the neck of the uterus, chronic adneksit (inflammation of the ovaries), chronic salpingitis (inflammation in the fallopian tubes).
- Purulent green, thick, along with the mucus, voltage booster, after defecation — cervicitis purulent.
- Selection of large clots during menstruation — the curve of the neck of the uterus, the blood-clotting — tendency to thrombosis, hypovitaminosis b-group vitamins, a pathological process in the uterus (polyp, endometriosis, fibroids). Also similar of selection are, if the woman is worth the iud.

The selection during pregnancy
During pregnancy the vaginal discharge especially to scare the women. In fact, during pregnancy you should be especially careful regarding the availability of the discharge, and to monitor constantly its nature.
The selection of the first months of pregnancy. The vaginal discharge in early pregnancy, as has already been said at the beginning of the article, you may be more abundant than usual, it is normal that if the selection is left transparent, it does not have an unpleasant odor and is not accompanied by other symptoms such as itching or pain in the genital area. The occurrence of bleeding in the first few months of pregnancy may indicate a miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. Purulent or whitish vaginal discharge in early pregnancy may indicate the presence of infection.
The white discharge during pregnancy is often symptoms of candidiasis.
Spotting, brown selection during pregnancy is very unfavorable symptom. It is a sign of the threat of abortion. Other diseases of here or and. It is possible the strengthening of the secretions in the days of the alleged menstruation, the color of the discharge may be yellowish. Limit the sexual activity in this period, to avoid the threat of abortion.
The selection of the last stages of pregnancy. To mid-pregnancy in later versions of the normal time limits of the vagina, which can be more viscous and dense. Suddenly, spotting of blood may indicate begins a spontaneous abortion or premature labor, therefore, immediately after the detection you should seek medical help. brown selection during pregnancy may indicate small hemorrhage from the vessels of the neck of the uterus, and also require a medical examination.
The selection after childbirth
For several weeks after birth, until the recovery of the mucosa of the uterus (endometrium), the young mother saved the secretions of the genital tract - vaginal. When it runs out? Towards the end of pregnancy, your uterus weighs about 1 kg Immediately after birth of the baby and expulsion of the placenta, she is drastically reduced, and when this is lost around 250-300 ml of blood. This loss of blood is considered to be physiological, that is to say, the normal and does not represent danger to life.
Appear regardless of whether the birth was you, either naturally or with the help of a c-section. Generally before 10 days lochia have later become clear, and ends in 5-6 weeks. While the current selection range, doctors recommend that women to wash each time after using the toilet. To do this, it is convenient to use a small plastic bottle with water. As long as they remain in the selection, bathes in the shower and in the bathroom. Take a bath with 5-6 weeks after the inspection with the gynecologist. However, if the uterus is too slow or, on the contrary, too quickly, flow out of it can be broken. Sometimes cause the occlusion of the uterus blood clots and inflammation begins.
See your doctor immediately:
- If an hour is all wet of blood litter the strip and this persists for more than four hours;
- If the mappings of a bad odor;
- If you are raising the temperature;
- If you have a fever;
- If you feel the constant pain in the lower part of the womb.
All of these symptoms may be associated with obstruction of the neck of the uterus blood clots and deterioration of the outputs of it. For the treatment of the doctors prescribe the means that reduce the uterus and remove the inflammation. If the uterus develops an infection, antibiotics are prescribed. By doing so, you do not have to pull feeding. Many of the antibiotics do not penetrate into breast milk and are not harmful to the baby. Consult with the gynecologist and pediatrician. The pediatrician can assign to a child is biological that protect your intestines from antibiotics.
Vaginal discharge before and after sex
During sexual arousal breast vaginal vestibule in women begin to produce so-called vaginal lubrication. Therefore, the presence of transparent liquids of award just before having sex or during sex is normal.
The appearance of the thick abundant secretions (maybe with unpleasant odor), immediately after having sexual intercourse (or on the second day) may be related with the purification of the vagina of semen (this is possible if full sexual intercourse, the man has experienced an orgasm and was not used a condom). Usually the quick selection withdrawal. The appearance of vaginal bleeding during intercourse or immediately after it, may indicate the presence of erosion of the neck of the uterus.
White, yellow, green, gray or secretions from the vagina after several days or weeks after having sex may indicate the development of an infection. If the mucus takes on a specific color, the smell, it requires the help of a qualified professional, as this sign says about the pathology of the organs of the pelvis. The appearance of the odor may be a symptom of suppurative process, when you see a yellowish-greenish. This symptom is characteristic for gonorrhea, trichomoniasis.
These diseases are transmitted through unprotected sex or by blood transfusion. Through 1-3 weeks after the infection, other symptoms occur: itching, burning sensation in the vagina, in the urethra canal, pain in the sexual act. Contact spotting (after sex) can be the result of pathology of neck of uterus (detected when the test ginecolgico) or of the pathology itself of the uterus, polyps, hyperplasia, myomas, Etc. To find out the reason it is necessary to do an ultrasound at different periods of the cycle, it is possible that you may require tests of functional diagnostics.