The sexual excitement of the woman depends to a large extent of exchange of substances in the body and the work of the glands of internal secretion, the functioning of the brain, a culture, as well as in the greater extent of the measure of a man is able to excite a woman.
Good arousal women only occurs when a particular environment is intimate and elegant, with the first and the main signs of arousal are the selection of vaginal lubrication and humidification of the genital tract. Visual of a sign that has been soaked, may be the fact that the woman crossed his legs. Good before having sex when you are cuddling and touch, of course, you can verify this is to touch the door with a woman between her legs – even through the jeans, there you can feel the warm moisture.
Women, as the men during the sexual arousal occurs increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, breathing, and dilated pupils.

Sexual arousal in women
In general, the sexual arousal of the woman moves much more slowly, that is to say, if it excites you to see her ass, she needs time, in which it is desirable to establish the rapport with her, and start stroking. But it is quite sensitive and temperamental women, that sexual arousal occurs more quickly than that of men.
Another visual signal, thanks to which you can get to know the girl excited, it can be wet of their eyes, the cheeks are pink, from the hand of the lips, also the girl that wants to have sex, you can get close to you, start a casual touch of the collision, sitting in the open, not tight-fitting the pose, ask you about girls, talk about sex, making jokes about sex, is the source of different sexual topics, also excited girls nipples are swollen, they become more firm to the touch and more, his voice gets lower, sometimes dry out the lips, it is hard to talk, she walks away from the thoughts, the girl begins to doubt and doubt.
The boy it is necessary to note and understand that the girl now wants sex, and it is necessary to act resolutely in order not to lose the sex and not be the girl in the list of the brakes. Because for many girls it is difficult to say that the man that she wants, especially if the sex had not yet, by what a woman does what she wants... and her body also referred. It is necessary to understand these allusions. You should also know that the women who excite men to dominate over them, that is to say, at the time of the seduction you have to think clearly, express their thoughts, do not ask, and send the girl, do not hesitate to nothing, etc., that is to say, the web site of either the alpha with the aim of learning about the domination.
The selection of the women that are produced by the weasels in the process of preparation for the sexual act. In the absence of impact on erogenous zones of the wall of the vagina are clogged and not lubricated, that is to say, they are not willing to take the penis. But it happens that even if a woman is excited, the intensity of adjudication does not occur, this happens either due to some of the inflammatory processes in the area of the uterus and its appendages, or due to the reception of any type of medication, as well as in the time of the violation of the endocrine system.
At the time of sexual arousal in women appears an abundant blood flow in the genitals and inflammation of the vagina. Type of naked bodies of the men not so much leads the woman, as the type of naked women, leading to men, but women produces sexual arousal when the shape of the male sexual organs, to some extent, provokes emotion and thought about the sex act itself, talk about it, that is to say, women do not excite as much as men. And for longer than men, so the girls can be fit for communion with the man, before having sex, give an imaginary resistance, games – to be better prepared for sex.
The vagina becomes hot for a abundant flow of blood, and its walls are collapsed to more dense contact with the male member, and also stretches. In the area of neck of uterus the diameter of the vagina increases 2-3 times, thus creating a receptacle for semen.
It is very important that after the sexual arousal and the sexual act, the woman felt the sexual satisfaction, the orgasm, to the reflux of the blood from the genitals was passing by quickly and uniformly, if it's not going to happen and the output will last up to several hours, you will experience pain in the lower part of the belly and the lower back. That is to say, if the girl is excited and the sex is she then to be hurt and comfortable. This can be used as an additional argument for the persuasion, in the sex, when it for too long breaks. You can also say that if the man excited that he, too, must end, otherwise, it is harmful to the health.
B. if the girl is broken before you have sex, it is necessary to say he had an interest in several of the arguments that was used by the own domestic front as well as justification, that typically you need girl, if sex occurs very quickly – what they really want to many pikaper.
During intercourse, due to an increase in sexual arousal, in the front part of the vagina closer, almost in a 50 % and becomes a narrow tube. The greatest excitement in the woman occurs in the phase of orgasm, that is to say, when in the area of the vagina to form the so-called manzhetka, which contributes to dense encounters of the vagina with the penis and the shuddering of the vagina, and produces greater excitation of the nerve endings, as the man and the woman.

Also in the phase of orgasm in women, some changes occur in the field of the breast, that is to say, swell, and the nipples become more and more hard, elongate in 1 cm and 0.5 times increase in size. During orgasm, the woman feels the ripple in the genital area and the fact that the heat is transmitted throughout the body and that feeling of ecstasy accompanied by moans.
The orgasm in women lasts for a long time, in comparison with the man. But it happens that only lasts a few seconds, as the men, or, on the contrary, in a few minutes, or even hours. The extended pleasure is possible when the stimulation of the clitoris and in the period of a sexual act, a woman may experience a couple of times.
Some scholars suggest that during the highest possible degree the orgasm of a woman who is separated from masterbatch stringy mucus, that is to say, it produces the ejaculation. Also vaginal breast are able to secrete fluid during orgasm, which subsequently can escape after the end of the sexual relationship.
After the completion of the orgasm and sex in general, it starts the state of the refractory pause, when even if you produce erotic fondling her state of arousal is not met. Also after the end of the sexual relationship the woman's state of arousal disappears little by little.
Also, for women sex is important, not only for himself, but as a spiritual tool of rapprochement with the man and the building of long term relationships, so that after sexual intercourse in women can reach a step when you are treated well(especially if the sex was good)