The procedure with an erotic inclination influences at specific points in the body, intensifying the sensations. Tell you about massage for women for excitation, on the correct preparation for the procedure to achieve the desired result.

The preparation of girls for erotic massage
Before you make a stimulating massage to a girl, you should be prepared for the procedure with the tilt-erotic. Ies) of the session must be performed in very favorable conditions, therefore, of great importance plays the situation.
The erotic massage tends to be male relative. The husband or the couple should carefully prepare the intimate procedure. Under comfort conditions for the excitation of massage understand these moments preparatory:
- in the room should have a temperature slightly higher than 23 degrees;
- if there is a massage table or trestle-bed, use the bed. You can put a soft plaid on the ground;
- you will need the plush towels;
- for the massage movements to prepare an oil or cream;
- for the reinforcement of the profound effect it can light an incense stick, or use the lamp aromatic;
- choose a relaxing music;
- the illumination for the excitation of the girl in the massage should not be bright and persuasive. Only the dim light will help to relieve tension, and placing the favorite of the woman to the erotic procedure;
- of the hand of the men must be hot, to exclude the sensation of touch. The nails should be cut in a few words, and ace, so as not to damage the delicate female skin. Before the massage, and the need to put in the hands of the nourishing cream.
The big difference in the time of excitation of massage for women play accessories, and some small tricks, able to deliver the girl a real pleasure.
The nuances of the implementation of the erotic massage
For the execution of the massage session, the oil can be purchased at the end of the sentence, or, you can cook. Homemade massage oil is prepared as well:
- as the basis of an ideal product for the oil of peach, grape, or almond;
- to the base the base is added a couple of drops of aromatic oil. You can use the hood of jasmine, lavender. A wonderful option would be to add to the composition of the sandalwood or ylang-ylang.
If you can't prepare or buy the oil, you can use the cream for the body.
To deliver the favorite girl of more minutes pleasant during the excitation of massage, the man can use the following recommendations:
- prepare beforehand ice cubes, feathers. These simple accessories will help you do a stimulant and more intense massage;
- in place of lighting fixtures, you can light the candles;
- if the girl agrees, put it to her eyes blindfolded. So, the session will look not only erotic, but also a bit mysterious;
- before performing the erotic of the procedures ask the woman for a bit of a lie in in advance prepared bathroom with sea salt or foam scented.
Virtually any massage of the methodology consists of certain movements, which includes stroking and vibration of handling. Stimulating female massage in this sense, is no exception. Appear the massage movements alternating in a particular order. The main rule at the time of the session — do not be in a hurry.
The sequence of the exciting massage for women plays an important role. Every part of the body pass with no hurry, doing certain movements. Processed massage parcels are served with a towel, to exclude the subcool and discomfort.
The best places in the female body
You have to understand that excite massage for girls does not involve the processing of the intimate areas. This is the main difference from erotic massage of intimate.
The man massages the woman is not only back, but and the parts of the body in the front. All the massage manipulations should be performed without the use of force, the Movement should be smooth, therefore, it is better to use the yolk of the fingers.
In the body of a woman is the point, excited to massage, and in the space, that it is better not to touch. The areas of the body that it is better not to touch during the erotic session:
- axillary cavity and the area below responsibilities. Backs to lose all sense of the routine, and the girl simply tickle;
- the heel and the area of the temples bring pain;
- the area of the kidneys, you enjoy.
- in the neck in the front and the area of the solar plexus. Massaging these places can cause discomfort and suffocation.
The massage points for the excitation are:
- rear and side of the neck
- headphones of the shell;
- the brush, the palm and the fingers of the hands;
- the back, especially in the area between the shoulder blades, the lumbar area;
- caviar;
- of the hip;
- the feet and toes of the feet;
- the abdominal region;
- the chest.
Start stimulating massage of the body of the young man with the warming of the movements. It must be remembered that the easier it is to massage the manipulation, the more fun you will receive favorite.
Loving man, it is not difficult to determine where are the best areas in the body of the beloved. If, at the time of the warming touches, the girl begins to tremble, to cover goose skin and it stung to breathe, this means that the appropriate place for the excitation of the girl during the massage is located.
The japanese technique of excitation of massage
To deliver to the woman as many most brilliant and memorable experiences of massage technique, you must use a touch of distinction in the sensitive places.
During the japanese excitation of massage it is necessary to use the following manipulations, and at the same time to see the reaction of the woman:
- touching the body is only the tip of the fingers;
- you can tickle susceptible areas of feather or with a soft brush;
- the more light movement.
Massaging the sensitive places, such as the buttocks, the part of the back between the shoulder blades, shoulders, you need the following:
- when the girl undress, the man must be gentle movements of put in your body, massage oil;
- the oil is rubbed on the skin with the handling, from the shoulders using gentle strokes along the back and legs;
- all the movements are performed without effort, but with the soft pressure;
- in some, the more sensitive the area can be compressed with the tip of the fingers;
- massaging the back and the buttocks, you can do the moves that are reminiscent of the painting of motifs on the surface of the canvas;
- the belly area, chest, limbs and thighs massaged in two positions: lying on the back and the abdomen.
Important: the hand of the woman refer to one of the most sensitive areas of the body. Therefore, the excite the girl during the massage can strokes their hands, especially in the inner side.

Massage technique consists of the following steps of action:
- the attention to the neck and ears girls. You can start with a massage, the neck and caress the plots around women green. The movements are performed with the tip of the fingers and with a light touch the palms of the hands. It can be a bit of a kiss dear by the ears and in the neck;
- the back area is processed in the area of the vanes with the help of the lungs of the manipulation. Understand that the girl is nice, it is not difficult;
- the buttocks massaged leisurely movements. Contact with the skin slightly, little by little work your way up to the legs. The more sensitive the area is considered to be internal femoral surface;
- during the processing of the feet to have to do a little bit of effort. Too smooth touch can cause the laugh or the girl will be tickled. The heel is massaged slowly and with increasing force;
- it should not be forgotten that the face of the friend, which is also found sensitive places. This lips, lobes green, tender, feminine chin. Try the tip of your fingers, go around the outline of the face. Special attention is paid to the lobes of the ears;
- massaging the chest, you should avoid the power of the manipulation. All movements should be smooth, and in the area of the nipples looking for;
- the abdomen can be massaged until the tongue, lightly applied on the skin with the nails.
In terms of the intimate area bikini, erotic massage of the genital organs are not affected. Soft, light, manipulations, you can touch the pubic part of the area of the bikini. This manipulation give a pleasant, stimulating effect
The positive effect of erotic massage will affect later and in the quality of sexual relations. When you study all of the most active and susceptible to the excitacin of the female points in the body, thanks to the technique of excitation of massage for the woman, the man is able of giving women more experience of making love. The girl, to learn to relax completely during erotic sessions, you will also experience new sensations.
Unit massage technique for the back
Not everyone knows that the woman's back is one of the most sensitive and excitable parts of the body. So, the basic motion of the exciting massage of the back focus in this section. More excitable and responsive to a touch of distinction to the back areas on the female body are:
- lumbar region;
- the so-called cat instead. Is the area of the back located between the shoulder blades.
Lumbar of the back is located close to the genitals, therefore, there is an increase of the sensitivity. And the area between the shoulder blades reacts instantly, even to the lungs, caressing touch.
To give away favorite of this, a relaxing erotic procedure, you must know how to make a stimulating massage on the back of the girl. First of all, it is necessary to respect some rules:
- to the surface of the skin that needs a touch gently, without effort;
- the massage movements should always alternate. The same rule applies to the efforts. More insistent, but mild forms of manipulation are alternated with light touches of the tips of the fingers;
- work your way up to the buttocks, you can do more intense tingling sensations and the friction, since in these places the skin cover of several more dense.
The technique of the excitation of a massage to a woman in the back area consists of the following manipulations:
- after the application on the back of oil or cream for massage, performed general handling. Mixing starts from the shoulders gradual transition to the back. The movements go in a circle;
- it can make clearance of vibration of the manipulation along the spine;
- lumbar region is processed light movements, then makes the transition to the neck, and the man returns back to the lower part of the back.
During the erotic procedure, the man can touch the woman of your body. Therefore, dear friend, receives the brightest of the excitement of the session.
If you do a massage for the excitation of the girl, the partner may experience different feelings:
- a girl can cry;
- to get to sleep. In this case, the partner is not worth waking up;
- experience the relaxing action;
- the pleasure can pass on to sexual excitement;
- couple totally free of negative energy.
When the girl is excited of massage, and comes in a small euphoric state, this means that the session correctly.
With the help of erotic the session can solve many of the problems in the relationships and get the following effect:
- the friend of iran, of the negative emotions, and the relationship with your partner the man brighter and more saturated;
- in the woman will wake up to the present, the sexual energy;
- the man can make a stimulating massage as a prelude to sex.
The advantage of the erotic procedure, when performed by a husband or a male relative, is that during the session, the pair is not of the prohibitions of any action. If the man possesses the technical erotic procedures and knows how to do massage for the excitation of the woman, the couple can without any problems go to the biggest lesson of love.
The behavior of the men in the time of erotic massage
For a session of erotic massage tilt past qualitatively, the man must comply with the following guidelines:
- the therapist, although that is a close friend, the man must understand that only the true caress, and the love partner will give you pleasure. Not worth to emphasize, precisely, in general the massage movements. All the matter in the lungs, erotic touch in his most sensitive points of women of the areas;
- you can not make stimulating massage, remaining for a long time in a single part of the body. The whole session should be a cross-cutting activity, during which you must not remove the hand with the surface of the body. It is necessary to pass gently from a sensitive area of the body to another;
- it is clear that in the process of the session, the man can be cold. Therefore, you must immediately put a point on what the massage is done for the pleasure of the girl, and not for himself. You must focus on the procedure and not on himself.
Massage, conducted for the excitation of the beloved is considered to be the best event that helps to improve the relationship and move on to something new, in terms of the reciprocity of caresses.
If the man decided to make the favorite gift in the form erotic to the procedure, it is not worth to follow the suggested recommendations. Every couple in love knows best, and for the pleasure of each other. Therefore, during the massage has to be followed by execution stages of the session. And in the rest, it is better to follow your feelings and desires dear partner. Only thus can we understand what are the steps that lead to more positive emotions, and the handling is better to leave.
In regard to the objective of erotic massage is to a certain extent aims at the sanitation. The woman after several procedures, it becomes easier to be released at the time of making love, the anxiety and tension in emotional plan. But, the main purpose of the procedure, the excitation of the girl, despite the fact that in a session dominated by the elements of the general, the traditional massage.
Virtually every one of the men is to make a stimulating massage from the first time. Important, to listen to the reaction of your beloved, and then melts clear, as it is better to do this or that".