Physiologically any person goes through these phases of the cycle of sexual response, were built: sexual desire, sexual arousal, and as a result, the orgasm and the resolution phase.
For the regulation of the functions of the sexual sphere of the person of the nature have created bodies such as the cerebral cortex, as well podkorkovie of education, and some of the centers of the spinal cord. All the relationships of the centers regulating sexual function, are closely linked to each other, and, of course, are in a clear interaction, exactly subordinate, and constitute a single whole system.
Sexual desire, arousal, and as a result of orgasm

The sexual desire or the libido is directly dependent on the biologically correct for the activity of the glands of internal secretion, it is testes in men and the ovaries, the adrenal glands in both sexes, and is also conditioned by the exchange of substances. And of course, the sexual desire, arousal and orgasm can not be achieved without the participation and the normal functioning of the brain.
In the adult, a healthy person, the degree of excitability of the genital centres, as well as the strength of sexual desire is usual to define levels of hormones.
There is an absolute dependence of the sexual inclination of the anthropological differences, for example, brunettes, dark skin have more strong sexual attraction, the blonde. Another example is people who are not high-growth of the sexual attraction can be stronger than the high. Women astnico physical, achieving orgasm will require a greater amount of caresses, and other efforts that chubby. The people of the southern countries with warmer climates, libido, brighter and stronger. The temperament of the south is actually more actively developed than that of the northerners.
Of course, the sexual excitement of men and women are radically different. With more frequency of sexual arousal in women is lower than men's. In men the desire, usually appears before the direct contact, during the sexual act, the excitation very rapidly grows, and the erection occurs very quickly, and after the resolution of the sexual excitement and obviously an erection completely gone.
In addition to the hormones and the different erotic caressing, stimulating the sexual function can and some of the main stimuli.
This type of sexual stimuli are particularly individual to each individual and are personally, such as your view on sex, their sexual experience and sexual relations in the ideal.
Influence sexual arousal is capable of music in the first place, exerting a stimulating effect on the deep structure of the brain, and is also capable of awakening the memories, the erotic, of association and of other sexual experiences
Women are able to respond to the psycho-emotional impact of any kind of stimulants in something weaker than that of men.
Often, women is, waiting for the sexual contact does not cause sexual arousal, and here is the main of the mass of men when it is expected that the next sexual intercourse is expressed in a sexual arousal.
What is important to remember that by the nature of the men and women's sexuality vary widely.
In addition to that sexual arousal can be caused not only by the influence of certain hormones and stimulants, but also with effects purely mechanical irritants, this and different types of stimulation and sexual stimulants, caresses, and thus, the special touch of the zones which are especially sensitive to the touch.
Well-known american sexologists masters D. and johnson S. on the application of the sexual stimulation distinguish some of the excitement phase, namely, the plateau phase, a phase in which it will reach the orgasm and the phase of the so-called return of development.

In the first phase, the phase of sexual arousal in the normal male after a short time, usually before the thirty seconds since the start of the sexual stimulation intensifies the surge of blood to the organs of the pelvis, and this causes the obstruction of blood flow due to compression of the veins. Which leads to an increase in penis dimensions, the increase occurs generally in two, three times, the penis acquires the hardness and lot of extends until seven to eight centimeters in length. As soon as they reached the erection, the body of men immediately starts to aspire to the release of the sexual tension, to a download.
If the friction of the nerve endings of the penis on the wall of the vagina during sexual intercourse, the density of contact will be sufficient, the erection is constantly increasing, and the sexual excitement will increase. The man will become more frequent, the breathing and the beat of the heart will be strengthened, perhaps, the return to the person.
If you abruptly discontinue the contact of the sexual excitement can be so dramatic, sometimes slow to decrease, of vienna, will be extended, the reflux of the blood to soar. That in turn will lead to the reduction in the size of the penis, and its fall. If the contact is restored, and the erection is able to the same to recover quickly.
As for nobody is a secret that the woman needs much more preparation time for the sexual contact, and acting on their erogenous zones need much more time, which may help a sufficient degree of sexual excitement, and the possibilities of stop singing in the vagina.
Of course, some of the women most temperamental of them is very high secretory activity of the ovaries in women can achieve download faster even some men.
However, the average for a woman, with a mean of temperament, much more difficult to start the sexual contact, the man, and if there are not enough preliminary fondling of the genitals of the woman may not be ready for the sexual act, the wall of the vagina almost closed, quite adjusted to each other, the fat is not yet, the give up that has not been developed. The sexual excitement of the woman can appear and appear only when a preliminary, sometimes large enough impact on their erogenous zones.
The phase of sexual arousal in women is very similar to the phase of the excitation of the men. In the same way it strengthens the flow of blood to the organs of the pelvis. The labia minora are growing in size, and also in two, three times, they are changing their color, of pale green color, pink can become almost a bright red color. The clitoris also will swell, is called the female sexual organ feelings, is able to increase in a year and a half, sometimes two times, like the penis, the clitoris will become compacted. Likewise, it makes doughy sexually excited the vagina, the vessels of the vagina are filled with blood, which becomes hot, the muscles of your will start to contract involuntarily, in the vagina, several narrow, which in turn would make more close contact and friction with the male penis in the sexual act.
In addition to the above cases in case of strong sexual arousal in the sexual organs, the women acquire the sufficient moisture, in the vagina, allocates much-needed fat, which is able to facilitate the gliding of the penis in the vagina.
And this is when the tranquil state of the woman of the wall of the vagina, so closely connected among themselves, what is left is only a small slit. In a state of sexual arousal the vagina will expand, and expand, the cervix will become removed upward and backward. The diameter of the vagina of the same will increase in the vagina, a space appears which will contain the semen.
When there is an increase of the excitation, and this feeling reaches the necessary heights, and then kept in this state throughout a particular period of time, bear in mind that it is the plateau phase. This is the phase in which the vagina adapts to the shapes and sizes of penis. Partners is okay to feel the other's body. The vagina of the woman, or rather its third part, is able to decrease to the half, if you compare their size with the size in the previous phase, and adopts the appearance of a narrow tube. The muscles of the female vagina, with the sufficient condition of sexual arousal tightly cover the penis. Therefore, there is a stimulation of the organs, or rather of its nerve endings of the two partners.

This is the phase when the breasts of a woman increases, it causes the compaction or erection of the nipples, they are able to even be lengthened by a centimeter, as well as to increase in diameter until the soil of a centimeter.
Sexologists masters D. and johnson Century described the orgasm in women in this way. The orgasm is about, when the outer third of the vagina begins to reductions. Such rhythmic reduction affect the musculature of the uterus. The vagina is able to contract with a range of eight-tenths of a second. Depending on the amount and intensity of rhythmic contractions of the orgasm will be ferico, or calm. Typically, in the course of three to five contractions of the orgasm found to be weak, if you have six to eight of the abbreviations is the orgasm of medium intensity, of nine to twelve sections are very strong orgasm. But these calculations are also very subjective, as are the women experience an orgasm of extraordinary power and intensity when only three of five of the abbreviations.
When the orgasm on the most upsetting the number of the respiratory movements, the more upsetting the pulse. Arriving at one hundred eighty beats per minute, it grows the blood pressure is able to increase by up to twenty, and sometimes more points. For example, the android orgasm can increase the normal pressure of one hundred and twenty millimeters of mercury, up to a total of two hundred. At the time of reaching orgasm may be noted the congestion of the face, and even the chest.
Especially intensity variable may be the female orgasm. He may be similar to the male, with a brief character from leaking, and can on the contrary be long-lasting and deep, giving an indescribable happiness.
The female orgasm can be prolonged, which can last twenty to sixty seconds, and sometimes even more time. Durable form of orgasm can be wavy of the nature of leaking of the liquid, intensifies, weakens, and continues with an unknown number of tens of seconds, sometimes it can be even an hour or half.
Is a certain amount of women capable of experiencing multiple and often repeated orgasms, that can be chained together with a range of one, two minutes. These women are capable of experiencing three and four orgasm during a sexual intercourse.
There are some cases in which the woman can be satisfied only in case of having multiple, continuously one after the other, orgasms, from ten and up to twenty times. Often these many times repeated orgasms occur when you activate the stimulation of the clitoris.
If a man trusts in the abilities of their partners, experience several repeated orgasms in a row, they just must be slow to not to ejaculate, as this can cause your partner can be satisfied with only one orgasm.
And because for women with long type of current orgasm or needs multiple orgasms couple, in the cases in which he could not help smiling as an option should help partner, in addition to stimulating the clitoris.
When the orgasm in the woman's body the same thing happens something similar to ejaculation. At this time several opens the neck of the uterus, and she breaks out something like a plug of mucus viscous, the seed of the woman, or the secret of the fallopian glands. The seed of the woman, as if gently stroking multiple nerve endings, and all of this gives the curiosity of sensations. After this, the plug of mucus comes up again in the uterus and the cervix tightly interlocks. After the ejaculation, as men and women disappear from the intense sensations of the genital organs, there was a reflux of the blood, all has ended.
Even if a woman seems to feel, if something is kicked out of his body, of the opinion that female ejaculation exists, it is subjective and not tested.
The main sexologists argue about this for many years, however, these discussions have only theoretical value. And here it is, in practice, the woman receives an orgasm absolutely does not think. As these processes are referred to as ejaculation, orgasm, or as something more. The main thing that is infinitely like.
The women are divided into five phases copulative cycle in order:
- The stage, which covers the time period from the time the woman has felt the desire of sexual intercourse, and before a decision is taken to carry out your wishes;
- Touch phase (of lat., Sens, what means the feeling, the sensitivity). It is the reconstruction of the quality of perception, the increase of the reactivity of the erogenous zones, as well as, the need to stimulate specifically;
- The secretory phase is characterized by the appearance of moisturizers and lubricating secretions of the vagina;
- Produce orgasmic stage during this stage, the woman receives a greater pleasure of sweet sensations or orgasm;
- Relictum stage during this stage, begins the weakening of sexual arousal and the output of blood from the genital organs.
In addition, during the sexual contact discernible missio, or the introduction of the penis into the vagina, the phase of translation of the movements or frictions, and the stage of ejaculation and of course the orgasm.
Many women consider that the sexual contact as the culmination of the emotionally complex relationships with the couple, they are accustomed to consider sex not only as physical intimacy, but also spiritual closeness with the beloved.