For the majority of women already is not a secret that the problems in the sex life of the warranty. This regularly shows us psychologists, sexologist, and simply huge number of literature. The deficit of permanent sexual partners in some circles of our society for a long time already full thanks to the efforts of the shops of adult toys. In general, in one way or another, but the desired result obtained was not so difficult. But what to do when the body begins to live his life and if it gets crazy, making you fall in depression in women most often experience orgasm, and the constant sexual arousal...

The syndrome of disaster
The disease of permanent sexual arousal was detected by the doctors not so long ago – it is the first time it is mentioned in the year 2001. The age of women suffering from this syndrome does not exceed 45 years. Syndrome permanent sexual arousal is indiscriminate of excitation, which are not related to the sexual health incentive, escorted spontaneous orgasms. The muscles of the pelvis inexplicable begin to decrease, increases the sweating, the vessels begin to expand and more upsetting breathing. All this ends unnecessary orgasms in different places: at work, in sports, the walks in the fresh air, in the circulation of private vehicles, where you can only imagine. There were cases, when women have experienced up to 300 orgasms a day. Natural pleasure for them becomes a disaster!
This syndrome is included in the list of sexual dysfunctions, but the doctors are inclined to what is nothing more than another thing as a mental disorder. However, it would be logical that in a state of fatigue or drowsiness disease disappeared, but it is not so! The state reduces the sexual desire of the people, contributes to the excitement of the women described the syndrome.
The causes of excessive sexual excitement
In connection with the fact that the majority of women with this diagnosis are ashamed of state and do not seek help to explore the disease until the end and you can not. Specialists who study the syndrome from around the world, they say that he has nothing to do with the rabies of the uterus, as it has no sexual incentives. Is not associated with the syndrome and with the inability to have orgasms, and not with multiple orgasms.
Some scientists are inclined to the opinion that the disease of "inappropriate arousal may be causal to the presence of anatomical abnormalities, tumors of the sexual system, epilepsy, disorders of work of the arteries and veins of the urinary system. Now also has appeared the hypothesis that the syndrome permanent sexual arousal is another thing that, as a result of the tiny growths at the bottom of the spine, the so-called cyst Tarlov. You can not deny the assumption that this disease, however, the consequence of a psychological trauma: it is possible that in the past, sex has been associated with pain or discomfort. Including sex life could begin with traumatic injuries, painful cases.
The treatment of the syndrome of sexual excitement permanent
In connection with the fact that the disease studied is not until the end, and a treatment for it you can not call. With certainty it can be said that if the syndrome uncontrollable arousal a consequence of other diseases, to cure, in the first place, make sure that the cause of the disease. Some people benefit from creams with anesthetics or local grip on the ice. Some come close to antidepressants. It is true, so that patients need psychotherapeutic treatments. Otherwise, the state of mind of the sick, sometimes leading to serious consequences, including suicide.