As can be seen the excitement of the girls? The answer to this question is desired to know any man. Precisely, the excitation says, what is the girl in the realization of more explicit caress. On many of the outward signs of arousal, the man can understand, to the extent of its prerequisites, effective.

The excitement of the girls is manifested in the appearance of the psychological and physiological levels. Psychological often precedes physiology, although in some cases the opposite occurs.
As the girl is sexually aroused: the symptoms and signs of
Since ancient times, sexual relations were an essential part of life. And, not only for procreation. Sexual arousal is a kind of stress to the body. Therefore, as it excites the girl: the symptoms are in themselves not only physiological, but also psychological in nature. The main physiological signs of arousal are: increased blood pressure, increased heart rate and breathing, sweating, especially the palms).
The main symptom of the sexual stimulation is the moisture of the genital tract. This happens due to the filling of the blood vessels in the blood, so that the wall become wet vaginal secret. Due to the influx of blood to the genitals with the lips of the woman occurs an increase of the swelling and hydration. This also serves as indicators of the arousal of the girl. When excited whole body begins to "roll up", the chest begins to increase in size, it becomes more elastic.
Even if a young expert in the plan of the arousal of the girl, doing this is not easy. It is much more difficult than it is, as eliminate the symptoms of the common cold. Every girl needs a special treatment. It is important to remember about the erogenous zones. Each area should investigate and test the girl. With time, these areas, each one of the girls may vary. If excite the girl, you can even feel, how it hurts the heart: the symptoms of the same (increased blood pressure, etc). But it is not dangerous.
Basically, the main erogenous zone is considered to be – the clitoris, the labia and the own vagina. Also in those areas – chest ( nipples). Kisses, the touch, the caresses, all of this contributes to the excitation, not just women, but also by the men. Another of the spicy area is the neck. Some women of the right caress in the neck can reach to the orgasm. You can whisper gentle words, because, as is known to whisper, also excited. In the same way, as it hurts the liver: the symptoms of the removed medications, and physical tension and the stiffness of the girl can be removed with normal touch.

Mainly girls like them when a young man shaving and smells good toilet water. You must create a romantic atmosphere, to an increased excitation. Women love the ears, therefore, it is necessary to speak of the compliments, affectionate words, you can read romantic poems. After this, you can start to kissing, fondling. It is necessary to start with the lips and slowly move down, pay due attention to the neck and the hands (many of these places are erogenous). This will all help in the excitement. If the man feels very well, for example, as it hurts the pancreas, the symptoms of any other disease, love games it is better to postpone.
Basically, the small number of men who can boast of that can excite a woman with the floor of the back. For this purpose it is necessary the experience and the contact with the girl. Permanent need to learn, likes those caresses or not. So with time, can develop a map of the female body, and know how specific it is excited. Otherwise, this science is much easier than the math. And recognize, how to deliver pleasure to the woman, it is much more interesting than any other science. The most important thing is to practice standing.
How to know that a man excited
Women are called to excite the men, reducing their madness, but how to know that a man excited. To do this, in our arsenal of a large number of tools. But, how do you understand that your partner really wants from you and nobody else.
Of course, the most clear sign of arousal in men is an erection. Was not very difficult. But let us suppose that the first time you performed with the data of a phenomenon, or this is your first sexual act. Erection is the hardening of the penis.
At the time of the erection in the sexual organ of men actively reaches the blood, the penis increases in length of between 5 and 7 cm and 2-3 cm in diameter. Very often the men use the term "I fell", which means that it is now in erection. In fact, without it the sexual act simply has no place. So, the glory of the erection!
However, it is not always the erection shows the state of arousal of the men. Very often the men observed the morning of the erection. Usually done early in the morning for a number of reasons. But in this article, we do not consider these cases, and take into account the situation, when the erection is normal, occurs in the course of a more intimate relationship.
But if you can't see the separate parts of the body of a man or talking with him on the phone, for what reasons, you can identify that a man you want?
The voice of . Listen to his voice. If the object of attention excited, your voice will become low and a little hoarse. This happens because during arousal, the body will release hormones that influence the functioning of the ligaments. In fact, with women it happens the same. In an intimate environment becomes the voice of velvet and a little low.
If a man is very excited, he will start miliono, or put his hand on the lock. The feeling that is what you are trying to restrain himself and his desire. Or, on the contrary, if the desire is very large, the man will try to touch the object of lust, lightly touching the hands or the face.
The look excited the men become narrow and a bit like glass. It can be time consuming and without interruption to observe desired the woman's, as if to engulf his eyes. Sometimes it is a state similar to trance. In principle, the state of arousal in men something similar to the trance state.
If you do not have visual contact, how to know a man excited. For example, your conversation occurs over the phone, at the time of the excitement, the break in the conversation lengthened. It is a way which is consistent with the fact that in the excited state, men very strong focus, without thinking about anything, besides your feelings and desires. The same shyness manifested itself during the sexual act. Therefore, do not be offended if your man is silent and does not say. Trust your body is now much more attractive.
Testosterone in the woman's body
The hormone of testosterone in women is produced in the ovaries and provides the regulation of fat and muscle tissue, as well as sexual desire.
In accordance with the professional studies, the level of testosterone in women can be different depending on the age.

The girls who have not reached the age of puberty, the blood contains about 10 nanograms per deciliter of blood is low enough for girls of childbearing age. In this case, after the arrival of the first few months of this indicator rises to 70 ng/dl. It is noteworthy that before the first symptoms of the menopause, the level of testosterone in women increases. Pregnancy also influences the content of testosterone in the blood concentration of the hormone may increase in 4 times! To explain these variations? The fact that testosterone is a female sex hormone in the system.
Thanks to the testosterone is produced by the developing follicle in the ovary, this hormone is involved in the formation of the skeleton, regulates the activity of sebaceous glands, affects the sexual arousal, and even improves the mood of the girls.
The muscle mass quality also depends directly on him. The low level of hormone causes the muscles to deplete, the body becomes ugly, and the quantities are increased through the education of the layer of fat in the body. If the hormone in the norm, the metabolism is the optimal, and the exercise and good diet will generate, fine and elastic muscle and not fat.
The state of the bone depends, in large measure testosterone levels. When this female hormone estrogen plays a protective function, prevents damage and broken bones, and testosterone in women affects the structure of the skeleton, which is consolidated. It is for this reason, it serves the prevention. It is a disease in the majority of cases experienced by women during menopause, when the body loses the greater part of the testosterone and the estrogen. You must maintain the level of the data of the hormones in the standard, in order to keep the bone tissue healthy and strong.
Testosterone - the hormone of good humor. This hormone allows the child to feel joyful, cheerful, combat overwork, fatigue. Even if you do take vitamins, nutrition and good rest girl may feel weak and weak are the possible symptoms of hormone imbalance. It is possible that this condition is caused by lack of testosterone in the body, that is why it is necessary to improve.
The work of the genitals of receptors is not possible without this hormone. Precisely activates the sexual desire, influencing in certain areas of the brain. It is the same as your property allows you to improve brain activity in general, as well as prevent depression, and the dispersion. The girls, who are constantly in a bad mood, and feel safe, we must verify the concentration of the hormone in the blood.
Adjust its level in the body by the reception of hormonal drugs. However, you must first perform the respective analysis and obtaining the advice of a qualified professional para-medic, which in detail about the rules of hormones.
Despite all of the unique positive properties of the testosterone for women, excess of this hormone can lead to even more unpleasant consequences of the deficit. The external symptoms of to improve their the women serve the men of signs: increased growth of hair on the skin, the explicit absence of the waist and hips. We observe an excess of smoothness of the skin, the appearance of acne. Many women notice the faults of menstrual cycle, if not the absence of menstruation, which can also serve as a signal of testosterone.
The hair of the head may fall, and in the area of the chest and the belly to deposit fat. The woman may suffer from insomnia, unfounded, mood swings, pain in the lumbar area and the ovaries. To confirm or refute their suspicions about an increase in the level of this hormone helps a blood test. The standard of testosterone in women ranging in the framework of 0.45 to 3.75 nmol/l. This figure can vary depending on the age of the woman, during pregnancy and in the menopause. The excess testosterone in women can serve as a symptom of diseases of the sexual system: polycystic ovary, a cancer of the adrenal gland and other. To diagnose the disease will help to further studies: ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, etc
Other factors that contribute to the increase of testosterone in women can be hormones, chemical additives. The causes of this phenomenon may be: genetic predisposition, prolonged use of specific medications, poor nutrition, the pathology of the endocrine system, which carry the level of the hormone to the deviation from the norm .

The increase of the male hormone women can not leave without attention in order to avoid future health complications. The excess hormone causes the dysfunction of the ovaries, leading to failures in the flow of the menstrual cycle. The lack of timely control of the standard of testosterone can lead to the development of diabetes in the elderly and other serious diseases. The violation of the process of the ovulation, is closely linked with the activity of the ovaries, can lead to infertility and chronic miscarriage pregnancy. In case of excessive testosterone women because of a malfunction of the pituitary gland, it is possible the development of obesity.
Unfortunately, the increase of testosterone in women today in day is considered to be one of the most frequent pathologies of the endocrine system. However, timely detection and treatment of the disease to reduce to a minimum the unpleasant consequences of this imbalance of hormones, and take it to the norm. Qualified the endocrinologist to pick up an appropriate treatment by the use of medications.
The woman may take measures to facilitate the adaptation to the standard hormonal in general. You must adjust the power, give preference to the dietary and natural products, to stop the drinking and bad habits. Then the increase of testosterone in women can be adjusted.