Women know a lot of techniques, thanks to which they can arouse in man the desire for sex. There is the perception that the use of these methods should be only to the representatives of the beautiful sex, and I have here with respect to them is optional.

However, there are also some men that really want to give pleasure to his partner, wondering about how to excite a woman. Perhaps, they do so to a certain extent, and for me, after all, if she is happy, is able to a man for the pleasure.
What steps is there to do?
The men understand that all women of the opposite sex different, and this means that the focus of each one of them should look individual. And yet there are universal tricks that will help you to excite the partner, good, or, at least, set the mood, in the next home evening.
The romance. Organize necessary representative of the stronger sex, if it is calculated then nice in the evening.
Candles and a good dinner is the first step towards the successful creation of the atmosphere. Not all men cooks, and this, and it is not necessary. You can build a light dinner, but even in the case of doing so, you can not just enjoy the food from the cafeteria or the restaurant.
Everyone knows that there are many products which are, so to say, to lift the state of mind of a man, but the attraction may also be influenced by means of the food. Excite representative of the humanity of the beautiful sex will be more easy if it is soup, banana, orange, corn, currant, grape, honey, pistachios, mango, shrimp, vanilla, chocolate.
All together one can, of course, not present in the table, but even one or several of the items on this list will be sufficient. Will help you relax and a little bit of alcohol, being both. Only here the strong drinks in large quantities to consume no worth, to not relax too strong.
By the way, alcohol makes play of the hormones, therefore, and the excitation can reach the two quickly:
- The flowers. The representatives of the stronger sex believe that the offer of the bouquet – it is banal, devoid of interest and, in general, non-existent, but it is not so. The flowers help to come closer, not only mentally, but put the woman to physical intimacy. They can also be a different way of acting in the weak soil. For example, mallow, ylang-ylang, jasmine have the aroma, which works quicker to set up the representative of the humanity of the beautiful sex on you;
- Of the word. Who does not know that it is the woman loves the ears. Tender words, uttered in a low voice, have a magical effect. Of course, you should be about how she is beautiful, so beautiful autumn curls on his shoulders and tempting sparkle to the eyes;
- To excite the partner correctly and quickly will help you correct the phrase in the duet with touches, strokes, – sweet, sensual. You need to find your erogenous zones. The majority of the representatives of the beautiful sex pleasant caresses of the breasts, the neck, the hips, but each one is different, and the man must try to find some point entire is an erogenous zone just for her. For someone this can be the toes of the feet, someone likes the caresses of flexion of the elbows, and someone taps the roots of the hair;
- The massage. Touch a touch can cause to your partner the desire to earn more touches, and the massage in this case, it is very useful. Start the best back, so I invite the girl to lie down on the belly. Begin the movements of massage should neck, gently, as we move into the back along the spine. In the massage important in the consistency, so from the back it is necessary to lower the hands to the hips, and then by foot to the toes of the feet, the soles of the feet. For many women, the feet and toes of the feet – erogenous zones, but if the touch is too easy, the woman may experience a tickling, as well as the feeling of complete can scare the romance. Having noticed the slightest discomfort, on the other hand, the man must stop massaging one area or another. In this erotic massage in the home does not end. Help the girl to turn around, lie down on your back. Touch the face, the neck, the ears, take the chest, belly;
- Odors. It is not worth to ignore it and, by the way, during the massage also. Vanilla, patchouli, musk, mint, jasmine, ylang-ylang – all of these smells are able to give the fellow a good mood. During the massage you can use the oil of these scents do no harm and the scent of the candles to create an intimate atmosphere. In this case, it is important not to overdo it. If you are going to be too much fragrance, will be recurrent and can cause pain head;
- The music. It is well stimulates the sexual desire, and here is what it should be, to a large extent depends on the preferences of the girls. It is considered that it is the best of all excites, quiet music or that you like the companion. Better, if she's not going to sound very strong, otherwise romantic evening runs the risk of being at the concert.

Women love the eyes and
Many think that this only applies to the representatives of the stronger sex, but and the lady is also oriented not only in the auditory organs.
That can excite a woman to the sight of men?
- Casually unbuttoned shirt. Almost 2/3 of the representatives of the beautiful sex experience sexual attraction, if before them a man neglected unsnapped the shirt;
- Tight fittings jeans or shorts. At the sight of the men in this outfit was excited about half of the representatives of the beautiful sex;
- Sunglasses. Apparently, in the men sunglasses the girls see the enigma, which makes one of every four of them covet it;
- The repair of the vehicle. Man, the passion of this sport is able to awaken the sexual desire of more than 30% of the representatives of the weaker sex;
- The preparation of the food. Almost half of the girls like it when a representative of the stronger sex are prepared in the kitchen.
In addition, the girl may experience sexual arousal, when he looked up the hustle and bustle sits, lies on the abdomen, sleeping or going with straightened shoulders.
Some of the representatives of the beautiful sex hot at the sight of the white clothes, even if you only see it in the store.
If a woman of 40
The representatives of the beautiful sex, at that age, quickly excite is not always possible. Influences the decrease of the hormonal activity, because that leaves them in the amount of stand out the fat, the sexual attraction to the opposite sex, in general, is not as it was before.
Sometimes, to achieve a rapid excitation of the partner, who for 40 years, you should use a lubricant, but this is only the physical aspect.
It is not less important, and the mental attitude of the woman. Can be achieved the same way as with women of other ages – romance, caresses, soft words, massage, good relaxing music, aromas.
Special attention should be paid to the words that you speak. Due to some physiological differences at this age you may experience the psychological discomfort that worry about their appearance more than experienced before. It is important to communicate to the partner that she is sexually attractive, and if the difficulties are surmountable, in particular through a man.
Is it possible to excite frigid women?
If the girl is indifferent to the intimate avoided them, you feel disgust of a single thought about sex, or is not able to reach orgasm, is known as such.
In reality, these women, as very little, and in many cases of girls who refuse to have sex, others are right – the negative experience of previous relationships, distrust of the partner, etc., the Lack of orgasm can also be a manifestation of frigidity, and a sign that the man has treated you badly.
Excite frigid a woman, if she actually is really difficult. To do this, it is necessary to know not only her erogenous zones, which, as in other women, does not necessarily lie in the chest area, genitals, thighs, but and set up their psychologically. To do this, it is necessary to find out the cause of your problem.
In some cases, with the girls who work with the doctor. The specialist takes out the talk about the characteristics of intimate relationships, discreetly with the help of the tests to inquire about what they are in the erogenous zones.
If the woman is actually such, the use at home of excitation of the drug barely works, and if it works, the output of this situation, it will not be that.

Even if the partners of the stable relationship between itself, the sex of all modes is always different. Both partners, it is always necessary to find new ways of "doing" and to satisfy the other, and otherwise, with the time, relationships can seem both cool and enter in a cul-de-sac.