If we are to believe the statistics, many women imitate orgasm during sex with a permanent mate. The cause of this, as a result, often is not sufficiently serious in the relationship of both preliminary caress. No sexual experience of men, generally, are more well proceed to operate, trying to understand, aroused by if the girl. While for women prelude where they play a more important role, but, not wanting to prevent the desire to be loved, the lady willing to despise a rule simple to get pleasure from to achieve the excitation.

Questions of what excites the stronger partner of all, set men and women. Know something about the fantasies in seora of the heads of the representatives of the stronger sex try to for centuries, and I have to say, this gave their results. Experienced men, flew in the pages of our column, now well known about the various forms of excitation of the girls: of excitation of massage before correct techniques of the special caresses. We are going to give effective advice and for those who intended to excite the girl to have sex with her for the first time, if it seems so unsolvable task.
Despite the fact that the need of the guys in the game prior is much less pronounced, fully shore up his role of man of the excitation would be wrong. Ideal exactly the principle of the mechanism of sexual of the reaction of the representatives of the stronger sex shows the lamp: turns on and off instantly, fast charging, and as quickly cools down.
Sometimes the boys can engage intelligently selected from the words and phrases, ignite a spark of love in a partner for a couple of seconds success, and with the help of a kiss, if the girl know about the most sensual places on her body. If a woman knows about the secrets of the techniques and points that allow you to to excite a man with your hands, please your choose in bed seductive can without difficulty.
Is not necessary to forget and about the identity forms of excitement for each one. Practical tips for women and men, published in our section will help you understand what you need from their halves in the bed. The preliminary games sex and the prelude – the search for the minimum common denominator, which is able to slow down a rate of a couple and warm companion, and synchronously directing them towards the climax of mutual pleasure.
Sexual arousal in women: traits and characteristics
The sexual excitement of the woman: the main methods of excitation
To excite a woman is not as easy as a man, therefore, to achieve the full sex, equally enjoyable for both members of the couple, it is important to understand the main characteristics of female sexuality. Sexual arousal in women has a series of internal and external physiological signs:
- the extension of the walls of the vagina;
- increase in elasticity of penis;
- the selection of lubrication;
- swelling of the clitoris;
- the flow of blood to the genitals with the lips;
- hormonal splashes.
This is necessary to obtain the pleasure of sex. Muscles sufficiently aroused vagina are capable of contracting so that its walls are such as to wrap the penis, providing a powerful stimulus of the nerve endings of both sex organs, and the incomparable pleasure.
Characteristics of sexual arousal in women
- First of all, it is important to understand that the body of the woman is something different from what the male body. This especially applies to sexuality. The excitation of the woman, the appearance of it, the desire to have intimacy requires a large number of conditions. This same process occurs is not as fast as the men, and slowly, gradually growing, irresistible languor. Remember that the mere expectation of the next sexual relationship will not cause the arousal of the woman automatically. Many are indifferent to the sight of the male genitals. The demonstration of the enlargement of the penis can even cause a reaction of rejection, revulsion and disgust.
- The sexual excitement of the woman grows much more time than men, but more constant and does not stop in a matter of minutes.
- Remember that the sexual desire appears only during long preliminary caresses, the effects on erogenous zones of the girl. Without this, the vagina is simply not ready of the intercourse, and the introduction of members in such conditions can cause injury subtle touch internal to the authority. Later unsatisfied girl is a lot of deny inattentive partner in the intimacy.
- It is also important to the environment: the lighting, the decor, the smells, the presence or absence of music, and so on. Some women can not be submitted only in special conditions, for example, in the interior of the vehicle.
The main ways to trigger sexual desire
It is important to understand that the woman's arousal depends on many factors, without which the correct technique of incentives to the intimacy of the seating will not achieve the state of mind.
- Before you begin, make sure that your beloved wants. It is important to understand that women have periods of lack of desire to have sex. The insistent harassment of her in this moment, will only give rise to the dispute. But even in the case of failure next to the woman of care. For this, they thank you later, because nothing excites more strong that the increased attention on the part of the person beloved, who is not limited by the need for sex.
- A great role has correctly selected the atmosphere. Discreetly ask them about their favorite smell and color, be sure to relaxing music, gentle and cozy to the bed. Then the girl does not need long preludes.
- Remember that the woman loves the ears. Compliment your attire, make several nice compliments. Relax your massage, pat and dale. And only when your desire arrives high enough degree, you can proceed to the master of the foreplay.
- The woman excites more strong after a long break in the sexual life, as in the case of abstinence the body requires downloading and stimulates the sexual arousal.
- The huge role played by the woman's menstrual cycle. In the period of ovulation is the best time for the conception of a child – to excite a girl so much easier. And here, on the eve of menstruation, sexual arousal will be, on the contrary, in the decline of the. It will increase the irritability, periodically have pain in the abdominal area. When any signal is not worth to offer to the girl to have sex, as this will only natural an negative reaction. So don't forget of the characteristics of the female body.
- Go, finally, to the stimulation of more erogenous zones of the woman, the vagina, the clitoris, the breast, do it gently. And try to surprise. To do this, in the men's arsenal there are a lot of tools: the lips, the fingers, a strong excitation will cause the rubbing of the outer vaginal lips and the clitoris with the tip of the pour of the penis. But do not forget to see the reaction of his beloved in the caress, to understand what we liked and what not. If you will notice immediately the first sign of dissatisfaction, you can discontinue quickly unpleasant effect.

The most important thing in sex is love, and not the other way around. To his caresses waved, that desire reached its highest point, the woman needs to feel loved. Surround yourself with their care and attention. Then with the above recommendations of the arousal of the woman will not be difficult.