Feature sexual secretion of the female serves as a good indicator of your state of health. The selection for the sexual relations is a phenomenon, programmed by nature. This process is quite complex. To understand the rule, where the pathology, you should have some what knowledge. In some cases, it is worthwhile to be on their guard and to go to a doctor for advice, and sometimes the selection report with the health of all of them in order.

Characteristics of secretions when she is aroused
When the proximity with most often of the vagina is moistened. And the more it reinforces the sexual attraction of the couple, with the greatest intensity is separated from the fat. It is colorless, mucus, which has no odor.
As a general rule, women receive approximately 5 ml of fat per day. With the increase of arousal secret begins to occur with greater intensity. This is achieved thanks to the tide of blood to the vaginal walls and stimulation of the sex glands. The selection during sexual intercourse are scarce or abundant. Typically, more fat is allocated at the time of the peak of pleasure.
Next to this the secret to performs several important functions, which allows you to:
- make sex more comfortable, facilitating the introduction and sliding;
- to minimize the impact of alien species of microorganisms, which form the protection against the germs and infections.
The fat also helps to create a friendly environment for sperm during the fertile period. This increases the chances of conception.
White liquid
Often, women feel the same during sex, white discharge of a thick consistency, similar to cream. In forums of medical specialists, normally, no one can give different explanation of this phenomenon. Many people recommend to go to the clinic and to go to the infection. But the experience of the physicians ensure that the whites of the abundant selection in the sexual act should not scare you.
If the secret is different, homogenous consistency, it has no odor and is not accompanied by a sensation of itching or burning, there is no reason to sound the alarm. Gynecologists explain that this mucus is produced in certain days of the menstrual cycle. The hormonal state is changing all the time, estrogen is becoming something more, something less. Other similar substances, as more and are in charge of the nature of the blisters of the mucus.
Lubrication is not only produced by the vagina, but the uterus, the secret of the flame of the liquid. Through its sperm entering the egg. That is to say, is the storage of the seed, which allows it to survive in the acid environment, the vagina.
The phase of the menstrual cycle
The mucus released from the vagina, depends on which phase is produced the sexual act. In the beginning of a cycle of secrecy a little, it is transparent and is distinguished from the watery consistency. In this period, the cervical mucus is a kind of barrier that forms in the cervical canal. This tube slows down disease-causing microorganisms, they are not allowed to enter the uterus.
As you get closer to ovulation period, the hormone levels increase, which has effects on the body, including the sexual in the system. At this time abundant of the selection when the intimacy is a common phenomenon. Vaginal mucus also becomes viscous and becomes alkaline. The dense fat, it acquires the smell of egg white, of white or cream colour.
When ovulation happens, the vaginal fluid stands out in a lesser amount. According to the genre characteristics of the mucus can understand what is in the stage of fertility, and if you can conceive a baby. Want to understand, when is the time more successful for fertilization, it is necessary to pay attention to the nature of vaginal mucus:

- Scarce selection usually occur before monthly and after them. The dryness in the vagina, says that the fertilization can not.
- Sticky liquid, quickly dried his fingers, indicating that spermatozoa have little chance of surviving.
- Similar to the cream of mucus means the approach of the period of ovulation. At this time the chance of getting pregnant increases.
- Fluid selection of white color, it resembles the protein, indicate a high likelihood of conception.
After ovulation, the estrogen decreases, so that neoplasia fluid loses its capacity for the conservation of the seed. In the nature of lubricants can be affected by other factors:
- the violation hormonal;
- frequent stress;
- the reception of medications;
- infectious diseases;
- allergy;
- gynecological diseases;
- the disease of the feet.
If the fat separates in the moment of intimacy in large quantities, this does not mean that the health problems. To identify the volume of mucus likelihood of conception, it is necessary to introduce two fingers deep inside the vagina, obtaining and evaluating fluid. Vaginal method can be useful only in the absence of gynecological pathologies.
Often strong selection when the sex indicate bacterial vaginosis. They may have a yellowish, greenish, or dirty white hue. The liquid emits the smell of rotten fish. When the intimacy can bother the itching and burning.
White mucus like consistency of the curd with the smell of kefir is often a symptom of candidiasis (candida). Smelling of selection during the sexual act may indicate the presence of such sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia.
If, after the sexual relationship, the women observed a lot of fat, this secretion may be due to the mixture of the secretions of the vagina and male sperm. Often, this mix of different yellowish shade and emits the smell of the egg white. Typically, the liquid is not any discomfort.
Plenty of selection for near can be related to a woman of hypersensitivity. Then, the phenomenon does not depend on the pathology. A small amount of fat in the sexual act can be a signal of changes in the acid-base balance or the alteration of the microflora. Sometimes the lubrication of nothing at all, the most common cause of this dryness is hormonal an error occurs.
Intimate hygiene
The strong selection not tormented, you must comply with the simple rules of intimate hygiene. It is important to participate regularly in the shower, applying it to the purification of the genitals, the special formulations. These tools can be purchased at any pharmacy, to maintain the normal microflora and reduce the risk of the occurrence of candidiasis.
Thus, while the intimacy of the vagina stands out the mucus because of the functioning of the sex glands. In the absence of pathologies liquid of white color may indicate the proximity of a period of ovulation. It is necessary to pay attention to the nature of the secretion and the change of its color, smell and consistency over time.

If it bothers itching or burning sensation, it is best to visit your doctor and pass the necessary survey. This allows you to identify the real cause of the shameful feelings and resolve the problem.