The current pace of life, unfortunately, is not always saturated prosperous and enjoyable event. The stress, the daily tasks, problems in the family, the permanent state of the physical and emotional burden reduces the ability of a person to time to relax in body and soul. This causes that every time the subject of the improvement of the power women will be relevant among the society.

The theme of the power female as bright and is often not elevated in the talks, as similar to that of men, but that does not mean that does not exist. In this article we will talk about women power, and some methods of the review of the problems with it.
The decline of the sexual power of women: causes
The sexual desire or libido, as he called it a well-known psychoanalyst Freud, is the desire to obtain sexual pleasure of another person.In the first place, it is not necessary to draw hasty conclusions, accuse them of lack of sexual desire the change of feelings or another level of the relationship with the partner. Love is not always in harmony with a body of desire. First, try to find out if there are other possible causes of reduced libido. They can be:
Hormonal disorders in the body:
- As men, in women the sexual desire that accompanies the hormone testosterone, as well as exclusively female estrogen. The lack of it in the body of the woman can cause a low sexual activity.
- The breach in the functioning of the thyroid gland (lack of hormones when hypothyroidism or excess of the thyrotoxicosis).
- The breach in the functioning of the pituitary gland, responsible for the correct formulation of the hormones.
Psychological problems:

- The constant feeling of tiredness
- Depressed mood, lack of good humor
- Chronic stress
- Different phobia to sex and your own body
- The doubt, the doubt on the attractiveness of their own body
- An unpleasant experience, the rudeness in sex with the couple
The causes at the level of the physiology of the body:
- The obesity of the body;
- Disease of the urinary system (cystitis, thrush, different from the inflammation of appendages);
- A side effect of the proper use of medications (hypotonic drugs for the central nervous system and others).
To find out the cause, it is necessary to consult with the doctor, that will prescribe the corresponding treatment.
Medicines for power to the women
Due to the increase of the demand of the tool to the power to women, now on the market of medical products has seen a lot of different medications. Despite the fact that most of these tools are created by specialists, it is not worth to decide what tools best fit. These medications are not universal for all: some can help, and another just to do harm or not give any effect.
How to improve the power with the medicines?
First, consult with your doctor. He will tell you what is the right tool for you. You may be prescribe existing drugs in the form:

- pills
- capsules
- dust
- the drop
- the ointment and tonic
Power to the women: home remedies
Despite the fact that modern medicine is sufficiently safe and proven research, if possible, it is best to avoid the use of tablets because of the potential side effects. Increase sexual desire it is also possible with the help of many of the remedies, whose application will allow to avoid the trek to a doctor for that intimate question.
How to improve sexual potency in women remedies?
The methods to increase the libido of women are in the form of:
- therapy herbal remedies (with the help of the medicinal properties of the bids, herbs, and berries)
- apitherapy (with the help of the medicinal properties of the mel of the drugs)
- hirudotherapy (with the help of the medicinal properties of leeches)
The method of apitherapy involves applying 2-3 tablespoons of honey every day. Beneficial properties of this product can impact favorably as in the emotional and in the physical state of the person. The conversion rule of the general state of the organism will increase and the libido, which will create the favorable conditions in the body of the woman for the quality of the sexual relationship.
The method of hirudotherapy have little demand, because not all dare to readability of your body, it leeches. Taking into account that this way of approaching the problem out certain specialists, we do not deepen the principle of operation of this method.

The most popular popular method is the herbal medicine. It includes the use of various herbs, and the supply of a body of relevant foods that increase the libido.
Herbs that enhance the sexual potency of women
The useful properties of certain teas and broths are able to efficiently handle the problem of weak attraction. Among them, the most effective action is observed when the application of such popular methods:
- The infusion or decoction of the Batavia reptilia. This tool is available in most pharmacies and is characterized by the ability to harmonize the standard or the increase in the hormone estrogen and testoterone, which is in charge of the libido.
- Damiana leaf – infusion of these herbs is able to lift the mood of improving physical activity in the body and increase the sexual desire. With the damiana leaves can make tea (2 to 3 leaf cup), prepare the dye, 10 g of the herb in a liter of boiled water. Apply no more than 3 times a day.
- The infusion or decoction of shatavari. This herb is able to rejuvenate the woman in the sexual organs, to satisfy the necessary substances of the egg and enhance their ability of fertilization. The power increased in women after 50 it is also possible with the application of this type of herbs.
- The wild yam – a source of estrogen and progesterone, which are able to stimulate the female sexual desire.
- Rhodiola rose root or golden. The use of this type of grass in the form of alcohol infusion is to contribute to improving the general condition of the woman, will give a unique feeling to the sexual act, and to improve the activity of the women in the bed. This herb is not recommended to apply the high blood pressure.

What products increase sexual power in women?
Increased libido the form of consumption of certain foods is different from the others in the availability and furtim for the eyes of foreigners.
One of the most effective foods to improve the libido are:
- Honey. To strengthen the effect of honey you can add nuts. If you consume this mixture 2 to 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon – the result will not wait. Also in the honey you can add the prunes, raisins, figs. Store the prepared mix in the refrigerator. Eat with the bread, the milk kefir.
- The fresh vegetables of onion, the parsley, the celery, the coriander in the form of an application or of a combination of salads are able to increase the sexual desire of women.
- The application is available in almost all the kitchens of the tomatoes and the cucumbers also will surprise your partner in the present has the sexual attraction.
- Contribute to the quality of your intercourse some seafood: different species of fish, mussels, kelp, squid, crabs. These products are rich in calcium, which is able to influence the desire.
- Between the berries it is worth to highlight the raspberry, rich in women, the genital vitamins. Effect of the application of the raspberry can fold the combination with the leaves of cranberry , and chestnut-brown in the quality of the weld, at tea-time. Intensify even more the effect of tea of honey and bread with jam of black currant.
- Pumpkin seeds are also useful for the sexual sphere of substances. They are a powerful source of competitive bidding, vitamins and minerals, capable to improve the process of intercourse. To enhance the effect of the seeds is necessary to insist about 2-3 days in the wet the gauze.
- Ginger is one of the best ways to enhance the female libido. Can be used as a seasoning to different dishes, and as a complement to tea time or baking.It is worth to take into account the fact that some products on the contrary are capable of degrading sexual desire. To this cohort are different fried and fatty food, products that are difficult to digest the stomach. Download the day and the application of light dishes are capable of making your sexual relations more easy and more saturated.
Home remedies are ideal for people who have problems with the sexual inclination is not. The use of herbs and foods that increase the libido, contribute to the improvement of the quality of sexual relations and, in consequence, the establishment of the relations between the partners.
As can be seen, the means to increase female sexual desire is a lot, but the choice of the most effective purely individual. Just tested several options, you can select the appropriate method for a particular person. It's worth it just not stops and does not lower the arms, if the first time failed to solve the problem. Because the pleasure of intimacy with the beloved by the man, nothing can replace it.