Intimate part of relationships is so important, how much sense among the young people. But there are moments, when the passion disappears, and the girl increasingly elusive up close. Experts say that the most frequent cause of this behavior is the lack of sexual arousal. In connection with this question, quickly how to excite a girl, is relevant among all the male half of the society.

In reality, the process of excitation of the woman is complex and multi-faceted, if it is compared with the man of the excitacin. Bring the favorite of the girl can not only touch contact, a prelude, but even well-chosen words and conversations. Specialists are willing to call to the most effective forms of sexual stimulation, as well as all the erogenous points on the body of the woman, which quickly will result in the "combat" of the activity.
The character of the girl and her excitement
Few people know that sexual arousal also has different symptoms and characteristics, as the many processes in the human body. To carry the girl in active sexual condition, the man should place his moral and physically. The man only is necessary to place correctly the accents in the preferences of the girl herself, as well as their erogenous zones.
By their nature and the processes in the body all women are different, and that means that the process of excitation in all occurs differently. A girl can be carried in a passionate kiss, another, just a couple of swear words, the third the soul has a relaxing massage. Experts say that only in relationships, where the man knows the nature of the body of his wife and their preferences, the excitation arrives as quickly as possible.
If men love through the eyes and the spectacular view of the girls may already be hot at the moment, with women it is much more difficult. Attracted by a strong man, a dominant image, that utilizes the compliments and words of admiration, you use touch contact, is located in the area of your confidence and always finds time to talk with her. Male control the excitation of the instincts, of women — psychology.
That can be used
With ease and excite the girl in his house, a man just to study your character, the psychology, preferences, that is to say, is simply the best of its knowledge. Professionals when this will help you in the search of the erogenous zones and the best methods of sexual stimulation. To excite a woman, just to go through several stages of sexual lusk — kisses, the touch, the contact, the words tender and caressing.
The main and the usual mode of transmission of feelings, the caress and the tenderness are the kisses of the couple. If the young are a long time in a relationship, you can learn various techniques of kissing to improve their love life. Rapidly excite a woman with the help of kisses the following way:
- the caress of the lips of the men of the woman's lips;
- the kiss with the penetration of the tongue that caresses the language of the women and the sky;
- gradual touch of the lips of the lips with the gradual penetration of the tongue.
According to the physiology without a quick kiss to excite a girl can't, even though many men underestimate the importance of this stage of the previous games. Consequently, the kiss is the main generator of starting an intimate contact, which can even last throughout the sexual act, warming up the passion and the feelings of the partners. If the girl refuses a kiss, the cause of this may be bad breath, lack of oral hygiene or poor sensitivity to that type of caressing.
The touch
Relax physiologically and morally to the girl of attention to the touch. For a start, you can throw in the bed, along with a series of soft touches your body. Hereinafter, the touch may have the following format:
- touching the body of the girl can with the fingers of the hands and at the same time the tongue;
- you can decide for bold experimentation in the touch, to ignite in her the passion;
- by the skillful use of the hands can lead to the girl at the moment close to an orgasm;
- touch the girl up and down, increasing the degree of emancipation.

After the egg yolks, little by little you can go to the sexual activity, the games and direct it to the sexual act. The tactile sensations — is the favorite pastime of the girls, due to its high sensitivity, the man can put his hands in the language, make erotic or just a relaxing massage, using in the process of erogenous points on the body. Important, to touch was tender, that does not give you the pain and discomfort.
The caresses and the words of
The sexual excitement of the woman occurs not only physiologically, but in your brain. Therefore, to consolidate feelings and intensify the sensations by means of words. In general, experts advise, precisely, with appropriate words to begin the intimate contact. Delighting the ear of the woman, you can wake up in her instincts, sharpen the sense of awakening the desire and to free.
The words must be before the stage of foreplay, during this time, some women like when a man talks to her in a particular format, even during the sexual act. The words can be of various cases, loving, and tender words of love, praise and words of admiration, obscene, and special words in the form of a game, obscene proposal, as well as the recognition of his irresistible desire for her.
Erogenous zones
In the body of each person has a number of points of points of stimulation that causes sexual arousal, the relaxation of the body, the awakening of the passions and animal instincts. Every woman has the most active and least effective point, perform the follow-up that only through trial and error by the stimulation and the study of the reaction of the women in the actions of the couple.
To excite the girl with the help of exposure in the erogenous zones can be according to the following algorithm:
- the touch of the fingers of the hands and the tongue;
- the quick transition of the exposure of an area of the body to another.
Experts say that every woman has several types of erogenous points weak, medium and strong. You begin to caress her with the weakest, so that as they increase the stimulation was growing sexual arousal. If you move in the wrong direction, can cause the overstimulation and rapid loss of interest in the girl for the sexual act.
Erogenous weak area of sensitivity
The first in the process of sexual play between partners are usually used the most calm erogenous point. They rarely are inclined to the girl to the intimate, but will bring a pleasant feeling and relaxation.
In this category are included the following areas:
- neck;
- the hair;
- of the hand;
- the eyes;
- the ears.
You can start with touches to the head, tricks of hair or their placement, the feel of the crown of the head or the nape of the neck. Effective head massage, which accelerates blood flow, increases the natural impulses of the body, and also clears the distraction of the thoughts in the head. You can then proceed to the area of the neckline and the neck, drawing his lips and tongue. The kisses can be applied not only for the neck, but move on to the collarbone and shoulders.

Another that is sensitive to kissing area of the fingers of the hands and of ourselves, of the hand of the woman. Do not forget the ears, in the process of kissing can whisper pleasant words, compliments and even obscene in the proposal, to excite the brain of the woman. An incredible feeling that she is going to experience, if by means of the lips and tongue caressed the lobe of the ear, licking the shell of the ear.
In the middle of the sensitivity
After the man has "worked" in the place of the average of the sensitivity, you can move on to the more serious stimulation. The tender points of medium degree of sensitivity are:
- the chest;
- the thighs and buttocks;
- the back;
- of the lips.
As practice shows, the chest reacts in an appropriate way on any play, the important thing is not to overdo it with the exposure. If a man touches the milk glands in the period of ovulation, the result will be much stronger. There is a girl with a high degree of excitability, that can give to experience an orgasm of touches to the breasts and nipples.
Also in bed with the girl, the man can make a relaxing massage of the buttocks, the back, the waist, from strokes to the hands, to touch in the lips and tongue. The more attention you can provide the area under the name of "cat's place", that is to say, the area between the shoulder blades in the back. Kisses and touches here will result in a whopping pleasurable feelings to the girl.
Through massage and touch of the impacts in these areas, in the body accelerates the flow of blood and, therefore, the blood, the faster you will come to the organs of the pelvis. All of this leads to natural physiological excitation, which is called the women's "butterflies in the stomach". Strengthen the effectiveness of the stimulation of the erogenous zones of the average of the degree of sensitivity of kisses and point to the influence of the tongue over the outline of the lips of the girl.
During the stage of
Now, after the integral and efficient form of foreplay, when a woman is already, literally, is willing for the sexual act, the man can safely pass to the stimulation of the most active in the erogenous zones — the inner part of the thighs, as well as in the crotch. Caress is necessary, first of all, in the line of the feet, using hands and lips, slowly working your way to the main place — the genitals of the woman.
In general, the crotch is divided in several areas:
- the clitoris;
- the entire area of the lower part of the wall of the vagina to the anus;
- the lips;
- the vestibule of the vagina.
The most sensitive area of the clitoris to stimulation which can accelerate the process of the arrival of the orgasm. You can also improve the feeling of contact, influencing the entire area of the lower part of the wall of the vagina to the anus, adding to the relationship of the curiosity. The greatest number of nerve endings observed in the lobby area of the vagina and the labia minora. Stimulate these areas during the entire sex act, to intensify the sensations during orgasm.
The nuances are important, worth keeping in mind
Quickly to excite the girl, the man always has in the arsenal of three types of weapons — non-verbal signs of the voice and the touch. Special attention should be paid to the voice, after having worked with advance. To do this, it is necessary to add the voice of velvety and caressing playful intonations. It is also worth to improve the body language, following lisa's posture, self-confidence, unchained and gentle movements.

Wizard of a pickup truck that was encourage or condone the use of the methodology "sticky gaze", that is to say, don't lose the girl of the eyes and smile, giving visual contact of a world. Place intimacy can be a romantic atmosphere, the praise and the manifestation of admiration partner. You can never rush the events, as this can seem like the psychological pressure, accompanied by the termination.
The output of
If a man can engage in only a frank and sexual the appearance, of excitation of the woman need time and different tricks. Have yourself a girl you can frank conversation, congratulations, the admiration of its beauty. Hereinafter, it is important to touch contact, to know, touch, hugs and kisses. Excite and set in the sexual act will impact on erogenous point in her body.