To excite someone - You feel that in your life there was something missing, and it weighs on you, brings a sense of insecurity. It is possible that the feelings that you hide you have in the soul, yearning to manifest itself fully. But, unfortunately, until they do not find their field of application. In the words of psychoanalysis, his libido searches for the object in which it is possible to transfer the overflow of psychic energy.
The excitement in the dream

If you had a dream that someone started, it is obvious the fact that you aspire to attract a person, to do that he was much closer to you than it is now. The nostalgia of the impossibility of being next to that person in a heavy burden falls on the unconscious, therefore, it is not a coincidence that in the dream state is broken in the consciousness, disturbing the peace, and to the mind that does not want to know about the availability of the libido. However, follow the inner voice falls off, and is, in our opinion, is a positive fact of human existence. Without answers gusts of libido, reflected in the dreams, demands a compensation or complete the reaction on the part of consciousness to harmonize the psyche in the position, when each of its components does not cross the border of the other. Only in this case, the person can be considered mentally healthy, and in the achievement of mental health is not the last function of the interpretation of dreams. Submitted more - This dream tells us that is not close to the person, on which you can rely.
All the problems that you have before you, have to solve with its own means. Loneliness has long been a constant companion of man in the modern world. The chasm that separates people, it becomes an insurmountable obstacle in the way of the achievement of an agreement and normal relations. It seems as if everyone is speaking in different languages. The loss of the sense of existence and individuality, inevitably approaching, in the opinion of many scientists, the end of human civilization. Despite this seemingly disastrous state of things, all is not lost.
For example, carl jung, disciple of freud and founder of analytical psychology, stated that the output of the situation in which you had the bad luck to be the man there. Is that each one wanted to be the full of personality. And this is only possible if the person tends to the reflection, because, often, by directing their sights to the knowledge of the reality, we forget about its interior, refinement and knowledge. The dreams of the same, according to the psychoanalysts, and they contribute to these positive informational aspirations.