Erogenous zone – part of the human body, with effects that you can get your sexy picturesque and arousal. Ladies possess similar erotic points in the big volumes in different places. The fact that the men with respect to most of them have a very superficial view. It is a pity, because this sexual intercourse of the ladies and the ladies only after the preparation of touch these "deep" in places.

The touch should be the correct one. The body of the women so arranged that if you touch them, erroneously, as the touch is unpleasant. What are the keys (erogenous zone) are owners of the ladies, and you should be done with them?
How to find erogenous sacred point of the ladies
The man is easier to find the more excitable "buttons" on the female body, if done perfect conditions for total relaxation of the partner. Only later you need to begin your search, by using soft touches and kisses. In principle, to identify erogenous locations is the objective for both partners. Man must find and explore more in the areas of the body of the partner. The lady should give the suggestion of the couple, with some part of your body has increased sensitivity.
Not worth a stop only in the field, which details of erogenous green and the women's and men's (chest, neck, genital area). Find sacred of the buttons on the body of the woman in almost all places. Start from the tip of the toes to the roots of the hair. All the points are linked together. In obedience to the hands or the language of the data between the threads, it can be annoying and even discover new and exciting places. Only you should pay sufficient attention. Surely, the lady has to give his consent to the acts of men and of all ways of promoting. You must allow a kiss and to smooth the same where he pleases. When in the body of the ms. the emergence of new points of concern to your loves, not the fact that responding to them only in the actual "discoverer". The main thing that work the data points of the excitation only the tender and the proclamation with them.
The most famous of woman "in place of" are: in the lips and tongue, ear lobes, dimples near the collarbone, in the area around the nipple (the nipple). The vagina and the clitoris, the area of the belly around lobka, the navel, the neck, the buttocks, the area under the shoulder blades, the area below the knee and the waist area, also the inner surface of the thighs and the upper part of the third part of the hip (outer part) is also erogenous zones.
Primary, secondary catalysts
The touch of the lips. All the erogenous zones of the woman's body is a sensitive catalysts of nature, which they call primary. Certain ladies are the owners of these places in the complex, other selectively. Along with primary and secondary sacred point, that open in a uniform way, together with the experience. Often they are placed in reality in all locations and respond to the monotonous the impact of different ways. Verify that all erogenous point react positively to kissing. Remember that specifically touch sponges of different sites of the female body are defined in the characteristics of the location in the intimacy of the place. Erogenous zones can be found on the elbows, or even on the heels of his beloved. Effort in the search of points of points are required, because the result will be a luxury – unmatched and unforgettable sex.