Many couples there are problems in intimate life, And if until recently, this problem was referred to a man, now of an increase of the libido reflect many women. In this article we are going to study the main methods of increase female sexual excitability, what are the causes of the reduction of the libido, and how you can lift.
Why decreased sexual desire
On the basis of the problem may be the large amount of causes. Persistent fatigue, fast-paced life, problems with the partner, the treatment of the intimate relationships, stressful situations, unfavourable environment in the work or in the home, the incompatibility of the partners, this is only a small part of the causes of frigidity.

And the lack of physical and psychological attraction is a strong argument to ask for help. However, not every woman can be trusted in such a delicate medical issue, but you must remember that only a qualified technician can help those with low libido.
If there is another way out of this situation? A part, yes, for this type of situations and are created by the media turn-ons for women and girls.
As applied to women of the means of exciting
The use of stimulants female pleasure is not only the beautiful sex, but also to their partners. Since every man dreams about the girl.
A feature of many of excitation of the media which act almost immediately. And very rarely have a secondary effect, is observed only the companions individual intolerance to the components of the tool.
How does it affect women the causative agent in the body, what changes occur at the time of the application of these means?
- The skin becomes more sensitive
- After the application of the couple is the sexual desire, she is excited.
- Increases the duration of the orgasm, he gets stronger
- It makes the largest selection of lubrication
After applying the excitation of the media, the woman immediately to feel the first signs of sexual desire, their nipples will be stronger, the breathing becomes deeper and more frequent.
Types of women pathogens
Women causes of which are sold not only in the sex-warranty, but in the pharmacies of the city. The media is exciting, which is sold in the pharmacies, are the following:
Pills with capsules
Are the most popular in use. Because its comfortable to carry in the bag, easy drinking imperceptible. Act as a tool to start already through a half-hour and the duration of action for around six hours.
Drops of dusts irritating
Such drugs are different for a quick action, the excitement begins in ten minutes. The drops and powders don't have taste and smell, therefore, cannot alter the true flavor of the drink.
The best oils, gels, creams
The products are suitable for external use only, the duration of action is approximately two hours.
This tool is very requested by the girls, since the desired effect is achieved through 10 minutes.
How much time does the causal agent of the woman, contraindications, side effects
Media exciting, accelerate blood circulation, this causes the main side effect, the redness of areas of the body. But it's not worth this fear, since it is a physiological reaction of the body, that lasts for a short time.
The side effect occurs in the case of the wrong dose, because this can be a headache, dizziness, or nausea. Before you start to use you should consult with your doctor, he will prescribe the correct dose for your body and pick up more suitable for you medication increase libido.
The main contraindications of all types of women pathogens:

- The period of pregnancy and lactation
- The increased pressure, hypertension and heart problems
- Inflammation of the genitals
- Inflammatory processes in the body
- Somatic disease
- We do not recommend the use of the means of exciting innocent at the time of the first sexual intercourse, since the acceleration of the circulation of the blood can lead to pain in the genital area, the lips.
The influence of drugs and contraceptives on female libido
The Italian science have demonstrated the positive influence of contraceptive drugs and the female libido. In the composition of modern contraceptives within estrogen, increase sexual desire. Thanks to the application of this type of contraception, the women more liberated, relaxed, can opt to relax during the sexual act.
Also the favourable effect of birth control pills is that estrogen reduces pain during menstruation and the premenstrual syndrome.
And now let's consider some of the tools to increase the excitation.
Female Viagra
Is pills of pink color in the shell, which increase the female libido. Use this medication half an hour before the close, acts in it for about 5 hours. The daily dose of the drug 100 ml
Before application it is necessary to use the using statement, in case of problems with the kidneys, the liver, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the dose should be reduced to 25 ml
The increase female libido at home
Many women are skeptical about the acceptance of the prepared medicated increase the libido.
Food and drinks
It is ideal in this case will help the products that increase sexual desire:
- The berries – the black currant and strawberry.
- Fruit-grapes, bananas, which contain serotonin, which stimulates the production of female hormones. Figs — restores sexual potency in women
- Citrus fruits — oranges, tangerines, lemons – affect beneficially on reproductive function.
- Avocado – the substance of this fruit normalizes blood circulation, restore the elasticity of the vessels.
- Vegetables: asparagus, parsley, onion, bitter, pepper (red and black)
- Nuts, especially almonds.
- Sharp spices, condiments, and spices: increase the libido of the partners.
The seafood are the most potent pathogens. Are rich in zinc, useful of the amino acids that help increase libido in women and men.
Among the drinks using champagne, grape wine, pomegranate juice and the coffee, it excites the female body through 15-20 minutes. The effect of the drug continues 4-5 hours. Includes guarana, the act of the sugar cane and squeeze, extract of root of hillbilly.
The grass
Increase female libido will help the grass:
- the flowers of jasmine,
- the root of licorice,
- oregano,
- the seeds of flax,
- ilan-ylang,
- geranium home.
- knots of hops
- arnica.
- the composition on the basis of scarlet, and of honey
- tea tree oil.
- cooking golden root
Stimulating massage

The desire of women it occurs much more slowly than that of men. To the girl faster excited, have a massage service. It is the most effective form of foreplay before the proximity. There are certain techniques of arousal with your help, they depend on the time, the essential oils, methods of achieving the necessary elevation of the sexual inclination.