The quality of vaginal secretions is an indicator of the health of the woman, that it is permissible to judge on the existence or absence of those or other pathologies. Modern medicine distinguishes between several types of secretions, some of which are the norm, and other signs of infection or inflammatory process. Let's consider a variant of female vaginal lubrication.
The composition female fat

Natural of a clear mucus colour, which is delivered to the female sexual organs, still called vaginal fluid.
It is very difficult the composition: in it are included the cells and the special components of the mucus that is produced glands, which are located in the epithelium of the vagina and uterus; as well as leukocytes and certain types of microbes.
The recent lack of pathologies and diseases listed in the minimum number, but the contagion of their number grows, as it changes the nature.
The fat is issued continuously, but during the sexual arousal of their number increases several times. In the first place, it is a natural lubricant that protects the vagina from mechanical damage during the sexual act. In the second place, it contains a number of substances that protect the female body from the penetration of infection.
During the excitation to the walls of the vagina filled with runs blood, the vessels dilate and "sweat" – as a result, in the vagina will produce small drops of liquid. This is a natural lubricant.
In healthy women, vaginal lubrication is not too dense, transparent substrate, without the smell and the color.
In some cases the color can vary, for example, after the sexual act becomes thicker and more milky white in color.
The appearance of fat and its consistency should not be abandoned by the woman without care: the timely identification of the changes will quickly identify the pathology in the area of the reproductive system.
As the sexual act influences the selection
In average, moisture in the walls of the vagina begins to form about 10 or 15 seconds before the start of the energetic stimulation of the erogenous zones, or when a strong psychological excitation.
It is so-to-speak signal that the woman is willing to the entry of the penis of a partner.
After the introduction of natural lubricant, do not stop producing, but their number is growing. The maximum of fat is released during orgasm. And after the recession of the excitation of the selection return to normal.
It is interesting that just a natural lubricant acts faithful female sign of the excitation, the tea of its inconceivable simulate, or to falsify.
Due to the entry of semen into the vagina is able to change the color of the discharge. The dense vaginal lubrication white color feature a consequence of the sexual relation without protection. Therefore, as a sample of semen to the outside.
When you use a condom, or with the cessation of the intercourse of selection will also make it thicker, but that its consistency becomes creamy, acquire the viscosity.
If the selection is great changed the colour or consistency before sexual intercourse or in the absence of the same – surely pass the inspection with the gynecologist.
The causes of poor vaginal lubrication

If the body produces too little habitual lubricant, the results can be the most various: the sex organs become more vulnerable to bacteria and microbes, and the sexual act is accompanied by strong discomfort.
Harmful lack of secretion of the woman and her sexual partner: when the excess of dryness of the vagina, may occur breakage or damage to the frenulum of the penis.
That can lead to the decrease of the secretions?
- The reception is hormonal and some other of pharmaceutical products;
- Permanent stay in the stressed state, the most sensitive and physical overload;
- Sexually transmitted diseases and infectious processes. In this case, the woman should pay attention to how it looks in vaginal fluid: what color, what he is talking about the smell, thick, or liquid;
- The hormonal imbalance;
- Diseases of the reproductive organs and the genitourinary system;;
- The lack of sexual arousal, the violation of desire;
- Violation of the circulation of the blood;
- Pathology of the nervous system;
- The period of lactation.
As you can see, the causes are many. In any case, do not self-medicate – invariably, contact with the support and consultation of the gynecologist. Later, the full medical examinations permitted will be certain to diagnose the pathology and to efficiently allocate the treatment.
If modest allocation of vaginal fluids are the specificity of the body specific to women, to the partners, it is recommended to use lubricants artificial that is sold in every pharmacy.
If conventional grease is too heavy
For the most part, the phenomenon of the cause discomfort psychological ego – the woman can feel strong in the secretions, and for this reason refuse to have sex.
In addition, some of the illiterate, the representatives of the male sex considered to be a high humidity in the vagina of the female the only sign of the immorality of women, or, even, of his betrayal.
In reality, the profusion of secretions is a sign of healthy desire and the typical reaction of the body to a state of arousal.
To deal with the problem will help you see more sex therapist or family psychologist, and not to a gynecologist.